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XPSP2 at O'Reilly

Chris sent me a link to Mitch Tulloch's nice little summary article on Windows XP SP2 deployment. You can find it on O'Reilly's

Deploying SP2--Or Not

To deploy, or not to deploy: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous security enhancements,
Or to take arms against a sea of incompatible applications,
And by opposing SP2 deployment, end them?


  • Anonymous
    September 20, 2004
    What is the official way to report a bug in SP2?
    There is this problem that bothers me: I have a program running, and it has a modal dialog open. I switch the theme in the display properties from "Windows Classic style" to "Windows XP style". The window frames do not switch - they keep the Classic shape. The problem is specific to SP2. It doesn't happen with SP1.
    The easiest way to reproduce it is to start Internet Explorer and select File/Open. Then switch between the themes couple of times and you'll see the problem.