Xbox Live Update
Xbox Live was down yesterday for a makeover and they've published a page with information about the new features coming to the service. The cool new thing that's available now is Voice Message with Friend Requests. Voice mail for XBL? Cool! Here's a list of upcoming features...
Tsunami: The Inside Scoop on the Xbox Live Update
Voice Messaging with Friend Requests: Available now. Read more about it.
MSN Messenger Integration: Coming in late May.
In-Game Voice Messaging: Available when games that support it hit shelves.
Teams: Available when games that support it hit shelves.
Competitions: Available when games that support it hit shelves.
Title-Managed Online Storage: When games that support it hit shelves.
- Anonymous
April 22, 2004
"Xbox Live was down yesterday"
Ah, that explains it:
Penny Arcade is awesome. - Anonymous
April 23, 2004
That will keep me smiling all morning. Thanks! :) - Anonymous
April 28, 2004
ps2 blows - Anonymous
August 01, 2004
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