Tablet PC on 24
I don't get to watch 24 very often, but tonight I noticed that one of the agents was using a Motorola Smartphone. A couple of minutes later she was using a Tablet PC to flip through suspect photos. Very cool. Now I'm looking for a SPOT watch.
- Anonymous
April 07, 2004
Yes, the Tablet PC is very cool...they actually used them a bunch last season as well.
Btw, how can you only watch '24' some of the time? I was hooked immediately after the pilot episode and I haven't missed one since. Most people that I talk to either don't watch it at all or watch it all the time. - Anonymous
April 07, 2004
>>how can you only watch '24' some of the time?
Ah, you know, kids and stuff. :)
Brian - Anonymous
August 01, 2004
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