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Brian Johnson's Startup Developer Blog

Frank Swiderski on Threat Modeling

If you haven't done so already, check out Frank Swiderski's interview on Channel 9. You can get more...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 07/12/2004

This Week in Security

Here are some of the security events available from Microsoft this week. July 12th, 9:00 AM (PST)...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 07/11/2004

Comparing .NET Generics and C++ Templates on

Kate Gregory links to an interesting article by Brent Rector on As Kate says, it's...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 07/07/2004

MS Research Data Visualization Components

Steve Makofsky links to some new data visualization components from MS Research. I told Duncan about...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 07/07/2004

Security Events this Week

Here are some of the Security events taking place this week: Tuesday July 6thChat: Programming with...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 07/06/2004

Craig Skibo on MSDN TV

Yesterday Erica posted an MSDN TV piece featuring Craig Skibo. This one's about creating an RSS...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 07/02/2004

New Update for Download.Ject

This morning we posted a new update for Download.Ject. You can obtain the new update from the...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 07/02/2004

Reminder: C++ Chat at Noon Today

Here are the details: July 1, 2004 12:00 PM (PST)Chat: Secure Programming Enhancements in Visual C++...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 07/01/2004

Jana Carter Posts to the Community Blog

My good friend Jana has added her voice to the Community weblog. Jana is the product...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 06/30/2004

Big News...

The Visual Studio 2005 Developer Center is live! The Visual Studio 2005 Beta will be available for...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 06/29/2004

This Week in Security

These are some of the security related events taking place on this week. June 29, 2004...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 06/28/2004

This Week in Visual C++

These are the events taking place this week in Visual C++. June 29th - July 2ndMicrosoft TechEd 2004...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 06/28/2004

Windows XP SP2 RC2 Platform SDK Posted

This weekend we posted RC 2 of the Windows XP SP2 Platform SDK. You can use this to get the headers...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 06/27/2004

Crypto Chat on Wednesday

There's a crypto programming chat on Wednesday, June 22 at 3:00 PM (PST). Click here to add this to...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 06/21/2004

Rakesh Namineni has a Weblog

Rakesh Namineni owns the Class Designer for Visual C++, and so this is a blog I'll be watching...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 06/19/2004

This isn't really specific to C++, but I thought Visual C++ Developer Center readers might find this...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 06/17/2004

Kate Gregory's Latest Column on CodeGuru

Kate Gregory's latest column is up on CodeGuru. In it, she talks about the language changes in...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 06/16/2004

Mike Nash Security Chat Thursday

The monthly security chat hosted by Mike Nash is Thursday, June 17th at 9:00 AM (PST). This is a...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 06/16/2004

Windows XP SP2 RC2 Available

Release Canadidate 2 of Windows XP Service Pack 2 is now available for download. Here's a link and a...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 06/15/2004

Joe Wilcox on VB@the Movies

Joe Wilcox mentions VB@the Movies today as evidence that Microsoft still has charm. :)

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 06/09/2004

State of the Site

I took over as content strategist for the Visual C++ Developer Center just before the PDC last year...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 06/09/2004

Windows Media Player 10 Stuff

So I've been playing with the Windows Media Player 10 Technical Beta and it's pretty impressive. I...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 06/06/2004

MSDN Labs: What's New in Visual C++ 2005

Duncan links to the Visual Studio 2005 alpha documentation up on MSDN Labs. The Visual C++ 2005...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 06/06/2004

Rebecca Norlander Demos XPSP2

There's a great XPSP2 multimedia demo done by Rebecca Norlander on Channel 9. If you haven't...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 06/04/2004

Joe Wilcox on Sasser/Firewalls/XPSP2

Not strictly developer related, but insightful enough for anybody to want to take a look. Joe Wilcox...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 06/01/2004

Kate Gregory: What Do the Language Changes Mean...

I had the pleasure of meeting Kate Gregory in person down in San Diego. She's written an interesting...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/31/2004

Windows XP SP2 Platform SDK RC1

Last week we posted the Windows XP SP2 Platform SDK RC1 image on the download center. You can use...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/29/2004

MSN Messenger Xbox Live Alerts

This was a great surprise to find when I got back from TechEd. You can now sign up for Xbox live...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/29/2004

MLB Online in Wired

I caught this article in Wired: Baseball Hits a Homer Online. I've been using this service through...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/29/2004

VS 2005 Team System Overview Article

If you're interested in finding out more about the Visual Studio 2005 Team System, there's an...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/26/2004

Visual C++ Team in the Cabana

Members of the Visual C++ team are in Cabana 5/6 answering questions about Visual C++. Stop by if...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/25/2004

Threat Modeling Tool Posted

Yesterday, we posted Frank Swiderski's excellent Threat Modeling Tool. We've been using this...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/25/2004

MSN Messenger IM Status

Datagrid Girl says that MSN Messenger should have more IM status icons. I agree. [Datagrid Girl]...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/21/2004

Antivirus Defense-in-Depth

Yesterday, Microsoft Solutions for Security published a guide dealing with viruses and malware. This...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/21/2004

Windows XP Service Pack 2 Weblog

Tony Goodhew has been publishing a Weblog about Windows XP Service Pack 2 that I wasn't aware of....

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/19/2004

WTL on SourceForge

The Windows Template Library (WTL) is now available on SourceForge. If you're not familiar with this...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/17/2004

TechEd Next Week

I'll be at TechEd all next week. The show is sold out, but if you're going and you're a C++...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/17/2004

Eric Fleegal Weblog

Eric Fleegal of the Visual C++ team recently started a Weblog. If you're a regular visitor to the...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/16/2004

New Car, Virtual Shopping

Last week I went out and bought a new car. It's our second car, so I didn't have a huge budget for...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/12/2004

You don't want to miss this...

Jesper Johansson's latest column on TechNet. The title says it all: Help: I Got Hacked. Now What Do...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/12/2004

Windows XP Service Pack 2 Demos

We posted the slides and the demo code from Tony Goodhew's XPSP2 talk on Monday. You can download...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/11/2004

XPSP2 Webcasts

Just a reminder, there's an XPSP2 webcast scheduled to begin at 1:00 PM (PST) today. There are two...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/11/2004

Mike Nash Chat on Wednesday

Mike Nash hosts his monthly security chat this week on Wednesday, May 13th at 9:00 AM (PST). You can...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/10/2004

Visual C++ Toolkit Articles Updated

Yesterday, we updated the Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 articles with the name of the author, Kate...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/07/2004

Office 2003 Updates

This is sort of a note to myself. (A Chris Sells thing. Sorry, I can't find the entry where...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/02/2004

Insider's Guide to Microsoft Office OneNote 2003

Last year I wrote an little e-book for MS Learning that shipped on the CD for a bunch of Office 2003...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/01/2004

What You Should Know About the Sasser Worm

We're currently tracking the Sasser worm and we're posting updated information on as...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 05/01/2004

Inside Visual Studio .NET Sample Chapter

Today Kent posted a sample chapter from Inside Visual Studio .NET 2003 to the Visual Studio...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 04/30/2004

Duncan Wins the Coveted MSDN Peacock Award

I snapped this picture of Duncan accepting the coveted MSDN Peacock Award from Sara this morning at...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 04/30/2004

Upcoming Visual C++ 2005 Chat

I wanted to get this out early enough so that people can get it on their schedules. There will be a...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 04/30/2004

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