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Brian Johnson's Startup Developer Blog

MSN Sandbox

There's a cool MSN Sandbox site that features new stuff from MSN. I find this technology getting...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 03/09/2004

My Blog on the Security Developer Center

We're adding my blog to the Security Developer Center later this week. I'll post when it goes live....

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 03/08/2004

Tablet PC Going in for Repairs

Well, my Tablet PC is once again going in for repairs. This time it's the power switch. The machine...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 03/08/2004

Upcoming Security Webcasts

Anil John has kindly created a list of upcoming Security and Architecture Webcasts. Here are the...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 03/08/2004

Yves on Reading Modern C++ Design

I meant to blog about this last week as some recommended weekend reading, but I was sick on Friday...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 03/07/2004

Josh Shepard on Custom Build Steps and Build Events

Josh Shepard continues his discussion of the Visual C++ project system: understanding the VC project...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 03/04/2004

SPOT Review in the Chicago Sun-Times

Well written, entertaining, and it includes some quotes. WATCHMAKERS ARM PRODUCTS "The goal (behind...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 03/04/2004

Baseball Already!

It just seems to come faster every year. :)

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 03/02/2004

Caller ID for E-Mail Spec

There's a page up for information related to Caller ID for E-Mail. From the page: Caller ID for...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 03/02/2004

Eric Lippert on Cargo Cult Programming

This blog posting from Eric Lippert has a ton of good advice for new programmers. It's not specific...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 03/02/2004

Anil John on ASP.NET and XSS

Anil John posted some observations about cross-site scripting attacks and the mitigations offered by...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 03/01/2004

Time to Check Out the New InfoPath 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP-1) Preview

From Tabula PC: InfoPath 2003 SP 1 Preview - run, don't walk, to get it! ...However, it also has one...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/29/2004

Don Box Got SPOT

I saw the other day that Don Box has been wearing a SPOT watch. It sounds like he likes it: I've got...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/29/2004

Brandon Bray Webcast Tomorrow

Just a reminder, Brandon will be doing a webcast tomorrow entitled, Visual C++ in Whidbey:...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/29/2004

Anil John Security Blog

I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Anil John is blogging again. He has an excellent...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/25/2004

Bill Venners Interviews Bjarne Stroustrup

Bill Venners has published a 4 part interview with Bjarne Stroustrup on Bill breaks the...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/25/2004

Phone Pic from Yesterday

I just had to comment on this picture. I took it with my 3650 camera phone on the way home from work...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/25/2004

Windows XP SP2 Developer Resources on the Security Developer Center

Today we're launching a new resource page in support of Windows XP Service Pack 2. The blurb from...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/24/2004

Gunnar Kudrjavets on Assertions

Gunnar Kudrjavets wrote a very informative post the other day discussing how to direct assertions to...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/20/2004

Riverdeep Case Study - Using the .NET CLR from MFC

Kent sent me a mail about this and it's really fascinating stuff. Riverdeep, the company behind The...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/20/2004

MER2003 Image Workbench

I caught this site via Dave Winer. This is a very cool way to see the different pictures coming from...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/20/2004

New 64-Bit Page on the Visual C++ Developer Center

Today we're headlining a new 64-Bit Programming page we put together for the Visual C++ Developer...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/20/2004

The Five Testers from VC Answer a Couple of Questions

Here's one: Answers to Comment Questions Is understanding the inner working of a compiler vital to...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/19/2004

Mike Nash Chat Page

Jana has put together a page where you can find information about the monthly chats hosted by...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/19/2004

Visual Basic Generics

Duncan has a cool little sample showing generics in VB Whidbey. Very clever.

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/19/2004

Security Webcast Week Ends Tomorrow

Just a heads up, there is one more day left of Security Webcast Week. You can catch one of the three...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/19/2004

Visual C++ .NET 2003 Kick Start Chapter Online

Chapter 3 of Kate Gregory's book, Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003 Kick Start, is available on The...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/19/2004

Matt Lyons on MSDN TV on Code Access Security

Matt did part of the security talk at the PDC and he's got a new talk available on MSDN TV. He does...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/17/2004

Stan Lippman on the Managed Extension Reference Array Syntax

Stan Lippman has a new posting on the C++/CLI declaration of managed array objects: C++/CLI revision...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/17/2004

WinDbg Tutorial on Code Project

Excellent start on The Code Project to a multi-part tutorial on debugging with WinDbg. Windows...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/15/2004

Security Webcast Week Starts Monday

Tomorrow starts a week of security webcasts at Microsoft. Developer Security Webcast Week February...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/15/2004

Update Your PC Now

We created a new graphic today for the home page to drive people to Windows Update to...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/14/2004

The Updated Visual C++ Developer Center is Live!

We updated the Visual C++ Developer Center today. We now feature three top stories and I'll be able...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/13/2004

Stan Lippman on Supporting Direct Handles to Boxed Value Types

If you haven't read Stan's blog, start from the bottom and read all the entries. They are...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/13/2004

Updated Errata for Writing Secure Code 2nd Edition

Last week, Michael Howard posted the errata for Writing Secure Code, Second Edition. I was the...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/12/2004

C++ Webcast Tomorrow - Friday, February 13th

Register right now for tomorrow's MSDN Webcast: MSDN Webcast: Managed and Native code in Longhorn...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/12/2004

Changes Coming Soon to the Visual C++ Developer Center

This week my site managers Amy and John are rebuilding the home page of the Visual C++ Developer...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/12/2004

Hubble and NASA

You've got to wonder what the guys at NASA are thinking (from Wired)... Hubble Space Telescope:...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/12/2004

Performance and Diagnostics

It's so funny that Steve mentions this page on the Visual Studio Developer Center. Just today I was...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/11/2004

Moved to FeedDemon

Steve Makofsky asks about Sharpreader updates and whether it's time to consider RSS Bandit. I...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/11/2004

Jeff Jones on How Microsoft Develops and Releases Software Patches

Excellent new article up on TechNet by Jeff Jones explaining the Microsoft security response...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/11/2004

Hackers on TLC

Slashdot linked to a Hacker Hall of Fame on The Learning Channel's Web site earlier this week. I see...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/11/2004

Peter Huene on the Visual C++ Project Object Model

Peter Huene discusses the Visual C++ project system in this information-packed posting: Exploring...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/11/2004

New Security Bulletins

We released three new security bulletins today: ASN .1 Vulnerability Could Allow Code Execution...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/10/2004

Updated: What You Should Know About the Mydoom Worm Variants

We updated the Mydoom virus page today with information about Mydoom.C (a.k.a. DoomJuice.A) You can...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/09/2004

MSDN Developer Centers

I often find myself describing to people at work (Microsoft) what developer centers we have on MSDN....

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/07/2004

Real Player Vulnerabilities

I heard about this earlier today and I meant to post about it but I forgot. I was reminded again on...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/07/2004

Russell Beattie on the Smartphone Market

Russell Beattie analyzes the current smartphone market and he says he even got to play with a...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/07/2004

Solution Guide for Windows Security and Directory Services for UNIX

Jason points out a new Solution Guide they developed for Unix/Windows auth. I may headline this on...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/07/2004

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