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Disney Vacation Pictures

Well, by any measure our Disney Vacation was a complete success. I got to spend a lot of one-on-one time with each of the kids and I think that's the best thing that came of the trip. In all, I spent seven days in the parks and each of the kids had me to themselves for at least a full day.

I posted a hundred or so pictures on my pbase site. I took a total of about 600 pictures and probably 40 minutes of video. I have to mention that having read Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom last year really made it fun to visit the parks. The Haunted Mansion and the Hall of Presidents seemed much cooler after reading the book.


  • Anonymous
    August 01, 2004
    Believe you, support you, I believe that you are right! ! ! I will make great efforts to look like your study! ! !