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BizSpark Group Blog

Video: Interview Roundup of BizSpark Companies at #DEMO2012

We walked around and talked to the founders of some of the incredible BizSpark companies presenting...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 10/02/2012

Michael Jacobs and Jordan Syms, iSocialite at #DEMO2012

At DEMO Fall, there were a few trends, but culture as an app was the one that caught my idea. One of...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 10/02/2012

Announcing the Launch of Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure

We’ve decided that offering accelerator classes for startups using Microsoft resources will...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 10/01/2012

It’s DEMO Time

DEMO Fall starts this week and as before, the Microsoft BizSpark team is heading to Santa Clara with...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 10/01/2012

Rocking It at Tech Crunch Italy -- A Collective of BizSpark Startups Hit the Villa Borghese

Tech Crunch Italy rocked it. This blog post is written by Mario Fontana, Microsoft Architect...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/30/2012

DEMO Africa's Super Stars: Michael Ocansey, CEO of Kuzima

Michael Ocansey, CEO, Kuzima is one of ten entrepreneurs we are featuring during our run up to DEMO...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/29/2012

WhoAPI, A Croatian BizSpark Company Gets Investment from 500 Startups

BizSpark company WhoAPI in Croatia just got word they are going to be only the second company in...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/27/2012

Get To Know a Country Ambassador: Dimitar Georgiev, Founder of Source Realms

Microsoft BizSpark has scoured the globe for a group of hot teams on the ground. We are calling...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/27/2012

Steve Ballmer Drops By RocketSpace in San Francisco, MSFT Building Windows8 App Lab

Today, CEO of Microsoft Steve Ballmer, dropped by RocketSpace on Fremont Street. He came to show...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/25/2012

Get to 30 to Launch, Make Something Amazing

With 525 million Windows 7 licenses sold, millions of people await Windows 8 apps. The think goes --...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/24/2012

Microsoft Helps Break Guinness World Record With Largest Appathon Ever

From Microsoft in Bangalore, a world record has been broken. "Thousands of developers from all over...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/24/2012

Three Signs Your Startup is Winning with Consumers: Meet Krishna Gullapalli, CEO of Urban Cargo

How do you know you are winning with consumers? It's not as hard as you think. If you are building a...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/21/2012

BizSpark Startup TheAppBuilder Lets You Build for Windows 8 Before It Launches

From now on you can build a Windows 8 app before the release of Windows 8 on October 26th. How's...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/21/2012

SoundCloud: A Community Manager's Perspective

We asked two members of the SoundCloud team to talk to us about product development and management...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/21/2012

SoundCloud: A Project Manager's Perspective

When I was in Berlin two weeks ago, I wanted to know how SoundCloud, the massively popular sound...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/21/2012

SoundCloud: At the Intersection of Community, Product and Design

Soundcloud, the popular music-sharing platform, integrates community development with product...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/21/2012

YouthSpark Launches: Giving the World's Youth Technology Access They Need to Succeed

Microsoft announced today that they have launched YouthSpark, a citizenship program that will create...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/20/2012

Hungarian Startup Tresorit Helps You Feel More Secure About Transferring Files on Insecure Networks

Good times are rolling for Hungarian startup Tresorit. After impressive participation at a series of...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/20/2012

Highlights from Startup Weekend Blacksburg

Our champions in DC area, Ashish Jaiman and Ed Donahue, were mentors at StartupWeekend Blacksburg...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/19/2012

Highlights from Startup Weekend Cape Town

From Mongolia to South Africa to London to Brazil, people around the globe are coming together for...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/19/2012

Highlights from Startup Weekend Cambodia

Startup Weekend Cambodia took place on 22 – 24 of June, with 80 registered participants...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/19/2012

Training the Utility Players in the World's Largest Game of Baseball

One of the greatest social equalizers of the modern era was public education, or, education in...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/19/2012

40 Year Old Female Seeks Happiness, Finds It In Startup -- Guest Blog by Scrattch Founder Louise Donnelly-Davey

Guest blogger Louise Donnelly-Davey is 40 years old, and founder of web startup Scrattch. An active...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/18/2012

Why Leo Tolstoy Was Right About Startups: A Croatian Entrepreneur Tells All

In Leo Tolstoy's great, and epic, novel Anna Karenina, he starts off his tome by stating: "Happy...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/16/2012

Caution: Don't Take the Bus in the Midwest by Ahmed Siddiqui

Jack Dorsey is right about one thing, there is a bubble, but riding the bus may not be the most...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/16/2012

JamPot is Northern Ireland's Way of Saying "You Can Build Apps, Too"

Belfast built the Titanic. They can build apps -- or an app builder -- too. An app store model that...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/16/2012

CogniCor: Self-Aware Complaint Resolution System Could Be a Global Win for Corporations

A global nomad, Sindhu Joseph has created a company that uses machine learning from previous...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/16/2012

Reza Alizadeh, Architect Evangelist Wins Facebook Hackathon

Microsoft's awesome developer evangelist Reza Alizadeh won the Facebook-Heroku hackathon a couple of...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/13/2012

Interview With Social Storyteller SocialSamba: How a Beer Becomes a Business

"The gummy bears are fed up with being eaten. They plot to destroy humanity. Who's side are you on?"...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/12/2012

SwitchCam: Perfect Startup Mentor? MacGyver, Obviously

Remember how MacGyver used to take pencils, a piece of gum, a mirror shard and an armadillo paw and...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/12/2012

Connecting BizSpark Members to a Billion People: New Windows Store and Windows Phone Marketplace Offer

EDIT: Many people have been asking why they need to pay to get access to the Store. You do not have...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/11/2012

Chute: What Made You Fall in Love? Design.

Even though the emotions are powerful, the move towards love is a choice, not some silly romantic...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/11/2012

StartX and Microsoft Announce Strategic Partnership

The future is made of collaborators working in innovation strongholds like StartX. This post was...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/10/2012

Hey Bro: The Three Startup Pitches That Will Have Investors Screaming for More

After seeing hundreds of startup pitches at startup competitions and Startup Weekend events,...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/10/2012

Startup Washington Launches in Seattle

The BizSpark team joined over 300 entrepreneurs and regional leaders for the official launch of...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/09/2012

Follow the TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon Pitches Here

Watch our Microsoft Evangelist team present their app, Play it Forward, which they hacked together...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/09/2012

This is the Script the Microsoft Evangelists Used to Pitch their Hack

We got our hands on the script that the Microsoft Evangelists used to pitch their product. This is...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/09/2012

Microsoft Developer Evangelist Hackers Enter TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon -- Follow Them on Twitter

For the first time ever, Microsoft has entered its evangelists in the Tech Crunch Disrupt Hackathon....

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/08/2012

Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure -- The Israeli Demo Day Edition

Yesterday, about 40 VC / Angels showed up to the Microsoft Silicon Valley headquarters, and listened...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/07/2012

Customer Service and Support: A Reason to Party

You wouldn't think that launching a Twitter handle for BizSpark support was worthy of a party, but...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/07/2012

Yesterday, we had our first Israeli Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure Demo Day, and it went...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/07/2012

Atav Founder Tal Moran: Believe In Yourself, Help Others

Atav is another one of our Israeli startups debuting their product for an American audience today....

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/06/2012

Evolero Founder: Unload Your Head So Your Customers Can Experience Things Clearly

This week, Israeli startups came to Microsoft's Silicon Valley headquarters and demonstrated their...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/06/2012

Vidit Founder: You Must Know Your Customer To Know Your Product

Vidit recreates events using crowd sourced video. Vidit collects videos taken by many people in a...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/06/2012

This is Stevie: Founder Says Social TV Still Defining Itself

You thought Social TV was going to solve all your advertising market problems, and stop the annoying...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/06/2012

MediSafe Project: Starting a Tech Business is More Challenging Than Learning to Fly

We asked Israeli startup MediSafe Project to teach us something about what it means to work on a...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/06/2012

RotaryView: Development Challenges Unite a Team

RotaryView helps online vendors grow sales, quickly, simply and fuss-free through the creative and...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/06/2012

Investors at Microsoft Silicon Valley to Experience Demo Day with Israeli Startups September 6

Today is the first ever Microsoft Accelertor for Windows Azure -- Israel Demo Day. Today, dozens of...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/06/2012

Now Hiring in Berlin: Will Pay in Club-Mate, Welcome to the Dark Side...Bakery

If you have ever worked on a startup in Berlin, then you have heard of Club-Mate. This blog post is...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/05/2012

Two South African Companies Headed to DEMO Africa After Startup Weekend Cape Town

An app that makes it easier for emergency services to connect in the field has won the Startup...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/05/2012

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