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APC Connect is Live !

In the countdown to APC 2014, the digital team here at Microsoft are now live with APC Connect. This year we have significantly re-vamped the digital experience for APC and APC Connect is the place for everything digital at the conference. I've been using it for a week or so now and it's a great compliment to APC and provides some great features such as:

  • Complete integration with social networks - Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Yammer
  • Ability to import your profile directly from LinkedIn
  • Schedule integration for all sessions and meetings at APC with ability to sync with Outlook
  • HTML 5 with beautiful rendering on tablet or phone

One of the major focus areas for the development team was to deliver a deep integration with Yammer to deliver a "second screen" experience for each session. Now, as you attend sessions at APC you'll be able to view and download the content being presented and engage in a discussion through the APC Yammer Group.

To get started head to and use the same login you registered with.

There are also three resources to help you get started:

It's worth spending some time this week and getting ready - join the discussion on Yammer and let us know what you think !
