2008 Edublogger Award Nominations
The nomination process for the 2008 Edublogger awards is now open. I’ve got a few nominations to make myself.
Vicki Davis should be a candidate in both Best teacher blog and Best individual blog . Vicki is a classroom teacher and shares a lot of great first hand experiences.
Kathy Schrock for Best educational use of a virtual world Kathy is a real pioneer in everything online in education and she’s really done great stuff with Second Life.
I wish they had Best Principal blog – Chris Lehmann
I’d love to see something like Best Blog By an Educator of Educators; though picking between Jon Becker and Scott McLeod would be very tough for me.
I can’t nominate myself. Not that I would being the shy modest sort of person I am. :-) But if someone else wanted to nominate me for say Best educational tech support blog or Best resource sharing blog that would be really really cool. :-)
November 12, 2008
Thanks, Alfred, for the kind words. I'm glad you're enjoying Jon Becker's blogging too. He's a relative newcomer and I'm sure he is appreciative of the commendation. Keep up the great work and I hope to spend more time with you at next year's NECC!Anonymous
November 12, 2008
You're such a valuable and important part of my own personal learning network. I'm not sure if your company realizes the amazing work you do to advocate Microsoft AND education -- you are an incredible person and I admire you very much. (And I appreciate your help w/ my personal PC issue earlier this year - YOU SAVED MY LIFE!) Thank you for everything you do for education and that you have such a heart for teaching kids.It means so much that you've nominated me for this. Thank you!Anonymous
November 13, 2008
Wow, Alfred! Thanks so much for the vote of confidence! Kathy