Attempting to Write VHD Image to Edge Pro device. Failed
Attempting to write VM image to Azure Edge Pro 2. Operation name: Write Deployments Error code: ResourceOperationFailure Message: The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'. How do I attempt…
Data Box for export not available
Hmm, I want to export somewhere around 50TB of data from one of our StorageV2 blob storage containers to a customer's on-prem site in Denmark. I thought I could create a Data Box for export but it appers it is not available for my subscription. What are…
azure data can export the data of my blob and file share storage ?
I having a 80Tib data in the azure blob and file share so if i wanted to download to get that data from the az data box so it that possible ? i wanted to export that but according to link…

Can we remove the recycle Bin on the root folder
Hi, this question is related to the question I asked in the below thread. I copied some data to test the speed and removed some data which landed in the…
Regarding data copy speed to databox
Hi, Can we copy some random data to data box disk to test the speed of data copy to the disk. We just want to know how much time it takes to copy about 6 TB of data using PC connection instead of Server connection. Once we test the Speed and time taken…
Azure Databox Setup
Hello Team, Could you please help me the steps to configure Azure Databox. It would be great if you can help me with 3rd party URL. I had gone through the MS articles but still need to brush up the knowledge. Thanks, Ashadeep
data from on-premises to azure and azure to on-premises
Hello, I'm a beginner with very little experience in azure. Please understand. I'm going to store the data (such as files) from the physical server (linux) in azure storage through azure and bring it to the local server when I want to use it. So I…
Databox more than 600 tb data
Hi friends, we have to migrate over large amounts of data and consider Azure databox heavy after considering various other options. I have the following questions: Since it is a physical migration, is it a best practice to copy it into the blob,…
how do i create a disk in azure files
i don´t know how to create a disk in azure files

Azure Data Box gateway
I have a scenario of Migrating On-Premises Data to Azure Storage blob and access it with local cache concept using Azure Data Box Gateway Solution over VPN. Active-Passive Architecture for Data Box Gateway Solution for HA? How many number of blob…
Data Box Errors Question
I am trying to copy VEEAM data to my offsite backup repository, which I sadly chose Azure for. I have worked with the VEEAM people and while i got the backup copy job to run and put the files on the SMB share, it seems that the Data Box is still very…

Azure WaImportExport - NTFS Maximum Length Limit
Hey everyone, I was hoping to get some help on an issue with which I've been grappling. To quickly summarize what I'm trying to do... I have a large amount of data that I would like to backup to Azure Blob Storage. In order to avoid hitting my ISP's…
Data landing zone from databox
When our project had 650 TB data in the initial load and if we used Azure data box with the help of Microsoft, where it is stored first, and what was the arriving zone of data, as a junior I do not have access to this information. What are the other…
Copying massive data from one subscription to other
Hi All, I have 8TB data in a different azure subscription that i need to copy into another azure subacription. What is the best way to get this data? Is there a databox online that can be used as Azcopy is not allowed by client? Iff I use azure box ,I…
Azure Databox upload process
How does Microsoft retrieve the password required for an Azure Databox data upload once the Databox is returned? I have read the relevant document multiple times, but I can't find any information addressing this. Is the process automated, with software…
Azure Data Box
Hi I have ordered a Azure data box for transferring data from onprem to azure. I am not able to find any gud documentation on how to use the Azure Import & Export / WA Import export tool. Can you please help me with the same.

Azure Data Box Gatway connecting to Premium Azure Files Storage acount
We are investigating data migration from a NAS to Azure Files. WE setup an Azure Files Share using premium storage for lower latency. We are attempting to send the data in bulk to the Azure storage with the Azure Data Box Gateway. When we try to set up…

Speeding up data copy service from TrueNAS to Azure Databox
We are transferring around 300 TB of data from a TrueNAS storage appliance to multiple Azure DataBox devices. We're using the Copy data (Preview) feature to transfer the data, but it's fairly slow (from our perspective). We're getting maybe 2 TB of…

Data Box Disk Initial Configuration from Protection Group fails to login
I have received my Azure Data Box Disk. It has been recognized by Windows and unlocked. I am attempting to configure the Protection group in DPM to use the ADBD as the inital upload. As soon as I select the option "Transfer using Microsoft owned…
Do I Have to Wait for Initial Change Enumeration to End Before I Can Add a Server Endpoint to a Storage Sync Service Sync Group ?
So, I have just used Azure Data Box to import 14 million files / 10TB from an on-prem file server to Azure Files. This has created a file share in Azure using the transaction optimised tier. I have added this share to a new Storage Sync Service and…