Internal server error when uploading to Bing Ads API v13 - Customer List or Customer List Item in
I am currently uploading the csv file to the Customer List with the contents below Type,Status,Id,Parent Id,Client Id,Modified Time,Name,Description,Scope,Audience,Action Type Format Version,,,,,,6.0,,,,,, Customer…
why is my microsoft ads keeping showing 0 in click or display everything?
Hi, I am a user in microsoft ads, I have already set the feed to manage the products on ads, but it keeps showing like no any click or display rate, quite confused like no response from the ads. And when I test the goal it shows like this but I have…
SwiftKey Keyboard not language thailand for ios please thailand import
Bing Ads API. Getting error code 1001: "The user is not authorized to perform this action.".
I have an Aggregator role in Bing Ads and am trying to call the SignupCustomer API, but the request keeps failing. I’m not sure why, as I keep receiving the following error. Any insights on what might be causing this? { "OperationErrors":…
Bing Ads API v13 CustomerManagementService.SignupCustomerAsync: The user is not authorized to perform this action.
Hi, I'm using the .NET SDK to create new customers and accounts under a manager account. I'm using a super admin user to access the manager account and I can authenticate with the API successfully and retrieve access and refresh tokens without a…
Bulk Upload Status Response contains "InvalidCustomerListId" error
Hi! I have a microsoft advertising account and want to learn how to manage my Custom Audience through Microsoft Advertising API. I think the way to load or delete customers to/from my previously created audience is by following this documentation. I…
Bulk Upload Remarketing list issue 500 Internal Server Error
Hi Team, I am trying to implement a workflow for Bulk upload of remarketing list into Bing Ads using the documentation provided here: So far I have…
How to fix error 'There was an error deserializing the object of type Microsoft.AdCenter.Advertiser.Reporting.Api.DataContracts.Request.ReportRequest.?
My error: WebFault while downloading report: Server raised fault: 'The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter…
Can MS Advertising API be accessed server-to-server (i.e., via service account)?
My company is enhancing an existing product to be able to pull ad and campaign data and metrics from Bing Ads API. The current design is for this integration (fetching data and storing them to an internal db) to run without user intervention, thereby…
Authing into Microsoft Ads Java SDK from an automated process
I'm trying to get started using the Bing Ads Java SDK to manage the accounts we own using an automated process, but an having trouble with authing; the code examples provided here don't seem to fit that use case, in that they assume interaction with a…
Authentication to bing ads API for Reports
Hi, I am working on a Datawarehouse. It's targeted to request Data from the Bing Ads API to store it in a Database. For the Google Ads API I got a Service Account Key, which I need for requesting the Authentication Token. In my Research for Bing Ads…
offline conversions to bing ads api regarding refresh token
Hello, I have an AWS Lambda that fires periodically X times per day to send offline conversions to the Bing Ads API. For each Lambda invocation, should I be continuously updating the refresh token? I have a separate lambda that rotates the refresh…
Unable to access any Microsoft Ads Service Endpoint
i have spend the whole day and everytime i m getting the same errors, i successfully connected to my account, client id, secret, developer token, tenant etc and i get an access token. However through soap or rest everyother request results in…
Export BingAds with an api, application creation not possible
I am having a problem creating an application to handle authentication. For example, I see that I am unable to develop an application to retrieve the client key and client secret. What are possible ways to do an api call to the developer token to do a…
Bing Ads Server time difference with India
Microsoft.BingAds.V13.Reporting, Using this service to get data,what would be the time difference of this service server and the Indian server.
How to Get Performance Max Conversions Using ConversionPerformanceReportRequest
Hi, We are trying to get performance max campaign conversions; however, ConversionPerformanceReportRequest doesn't return any data for pmax campaigns. Is there a way to get those conversions with API? I really appreciate any help you can provide. Here is…
Api returns error message "106 UserIsNotAuthorized" while the account is super admin
I tried to call SOAPAction=GetCampaignsByAccountId, I received the error message UserIsNotAuthorized. (TrackingId: 73d95a6f-985e-4d24-91c8-be03d14f1816) I checked the document…
Retrieving Coupon Value from Ads for Social Impact
Hi - I'm trying to use the API to retrieve coupons that are being applied automatically by the Ads for Social Impact program. I've tried to use the SearchCoupons service to retrieve them, but unfortunately, it seems like the Customer IDs I have access to…
Ad Analytics call is failing with error "Too many fields requested." even with exactly 20 fields
rest/adAnalytics call is failing by throwing an exception says {"message":"Too many fields requested. Maximum possible fields to request: 20","status":400} But I'm passing only 20 fields in the call. Earlier it used to work…