I can't stress enough how bad this missing feature is. First, let's change the term from "talking" to "transmitting audio".
There's a software voice cancellation feature in the client, however in an office as a meeting participant I have NO IDEA whether I'm polluting the call with random background noise as the software noise cancellation certainly isn't NVIDIA Broadcast (which requires a proper GPU, which I have at home where, ironically, my ageing Burmese cat excepted, it's 100% quiet).
For participants not to know whether they are transmitting audio is very, very disruptive, and completely breaks the flow of the meeting.
Basically I will have to mute myself entirely, and perhaps unnecessarily, and only unmute myself to talk. This breaks the natural flow of conversation.
I need to be able to focus on the meeting, not whether or not I'm muted properly.
It's at the point where, as a tech lead, if I can influence the decision, I'm using a different provider to Teams - e.g. WebEx, Hangouts - anything but Teams.
To make this crystal clear: I can see other participants' blue actively transmitting audio boxes fine, but I also need one on MY OWN FACE when I'm transmitting audio. I was dismayed to see that even the new version of the client that's just being pushed out now as a trial doesn't have this. Please listen to this feedback, thanks.