I have discovered the true cause of this problem.
My laptop has various Dell apps that have had no discovered negative effects up until recently, whereby an application known as Dell Optimizer (ironic), took control of my network card and limited it's performance to 13.5Mb/s.
Here is the video of evidence of this:
Dell Optimizer App - Throttling my Internet Connection
It led me to believe that the Windows Operating System was the cause as I was under the illusion that the only thing that had changed recently was Windows updates.
In fact, this application self updates and there is no evidence of any change to it or it’s version. Strange I know but I think the application has self repaired, restoring it to defaults, thus not changing any files but instead deleting its own config. Unfortunately, by default, is that it takes over the network adapter. What a stupid default.
It was discovered off the back of the fact that the only setting in the network adapter that made any impact was the Priority and VLAN setting.
Looking up what this setting does, it is indeed related to 802.1p (QoS). It seems that this Dell Optimizer tool is essentially a QoS management tool and when enabled, it bottlenecked my connection to 13.5Mb.
Priority and VLAN setting impacts the "Priority Level Definition", which in short is the configuration you can make within task manager where you can prioritise CPU Resources to specific services. I noticed when carrying out my speed tests to any internet location, not a LAN location, that the Dell Optimiser App began demonstrating CPU/Memory spikes along with networking traffic.
Once I found the app, I realised that it was enabled to "optimise" my network cards. (Wifi and Ethernet).
Once turned off my speed test immediately went back up to the actual speed provided to me by my Internet Service Provider.
May I pass on my thanks tremendously to @Gary Nebbett for his incredible determination to help discover the cause by analysing deep level knowledge of network data.
It was always going to be something stupid, but I can let Microsoft off the hook with this one and point all my blame to the OEM Dell. It felt like software, it was software, case resolved.
Dell - Fix your Optimiser, what on earth is the point of it.