if you go to Device manager, and go all the way down to the universal series bus controllers you should be able to find it there.
Where is the 'Intel(R) USB 3.1 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10 (Microsoft)' string from?
On Intel 10th gen processor system, USB host controller is using Windows inbox driver (USBXHCI.sys). The device name is Intel(R) USB 3.1 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10 (Microsoft) in Device Manager. But I cannot find this string in usbxhci.inf under c:\windows\INF. Actually, I cannot find the string in any INF files under c:\windows\INF. I want to know where this device name comes from. Is it from the Intel chipset or usbxhci.sys, or anywhere else?
2 answers
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Azuro Aztro 1 Reputation point
2021-07-18T16:42:13.117+00:00 -
Castorix31 87,806 Reputation points
2021-07-18T18:01:22.153+00:00 Device Manager uses SetupDi APIs, which read data from registry (SetupDiOpenDeviceInfo, CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property with CM_DRP_FRIENDLYNAME)
For example, on my OS with USB 3.0, it builds the string from
then from MUI resource in usbxhci.sys (with API RtlFormatMessageEx)