Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse - How to delete audit entries after a specified period of time
We have a Synapse Link for Dataverse that sends audit table data into Synapse.
When setting up the Synapse Link for Dataverse, Audit and Audit_Partitioned tables were automatically created. This setup works well, and all audit entries appear as expected.
We now have a requirement to delete all audit entries after a specified period, e.g., remove all audit entries older than six months from Synapse.
How can we achieve this? When examining the storage account, we see CSV audit files and partitioned Parquet files (partitioned by year). My understanding is that all data in the Audit and Audit_Partitioned tables come from the partitioned Parquet files, and the CSV audit files are temporary until they are incorporated into the partitioned Parquet files.
Can we run a DELETE statement on the Lake Database? If so, will this update the underlying files, or is that not possible from the Lake Database?
Is there any other straightforward way to do this?