KQL query gives different output in Dev and prod environment
Administrator Deepak Shaw
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I'm having identical test for logic apps and connected app insights in two sperate subscription (DEV and PROD)
I'm running below KQL in both envirnaments but getting no response from PROD Azure subscription. In short : KQL query gives different output in Dev and prod environments.
My query looks like:
let Failed = view () {
| where operation_Name contains "wf-sl-hm-" or operation_Name contains "wf-sf-hm-"
| where message contains "Workflow run ends"
| extend d = parse_json(customDimensions)
| where d.status contains "Failed"
| summarize Count=sum(itemCount), impactedUsers=dcount(user_Id) by operation_Name
let Succeeded = view () {
| where operation_Name contains "wf-sl-hm-" or operation_Name contains "wf-sf-hm-"
| where message contains "Workflow run ends"
| extend d = parse_json(customDimensions)
| where d.status contains "Succeeded"
| summarize Count=sum(itemCount), impactedUsers=dcount(user_Id) by operation_Name
union withsource="HM-Snapshot" Failed, Succeeded
Can someone please advice what is the issue and fix.
Deepak Shaw
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