In my experience, the Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilitySchedule
cmdlet gives best results for eligible members, whereas you can get the currently assigned ones via Get-MgGroupTransitiveMember
. As for getting the last time membership was activated, you will have to cover eligibilityScheduleInstances as well.
PIM Group Eligible membership reporting
We use different Entra groups which have the memberships managed via PIM. Several users are added as eligible members to those groups. I am trying to generate a report of all eligible members in all of those PIM Managed groups. I tried different options but I am unable to get a readable report which can be presented to Management.
I just need group name, member added to that and if possible when last time the group membership was activated
I can get these details from GUI but the number of groups are high so I need some automated way to achieve this
I tried using
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilitySchedule -all : But it gave unreadable details with several GIUD's
Get-AzureADMSPrivilegedRoleAssignment -ProviderId “aadRoles” -ResourceId “” : this returned several objects but I have 1-2 users added as eligible
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Vasil Michev 115.3K Reputation points MVP