Hi Alan Chen,
Thank you for reaching out to us on Microsoft Q&A forum.
To display the "Year" label under the Month in Power BI, you can enable the Date Hierarchy by selecting the Date field in the X-axis, clicking the dropdown next to it, and choosing "Date Hierarchy." Ensure both Year and Month are included, then use the Drill Down (⏷) button in the visual to display them together. Kindly refer the below screenshot.
Alternatively, if you prefer a single field that combines Month and Year, you can create a new column using DAX with the formula:
Month-Year = FORMAT('Date'[Date], "MMM YYYY")
This will format the date as "Jan 2025" and can be used on the X-axis instead. Kindly refer the below screenshot.
If you are still facing any issue, please let us know in the comments and where you are encountering this error along with the screenshot for reference. We are glad to help you.
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