I am getting below error message while creating new AVD vms.

CSR 0 Reputation points

Hi All,

I am getting below error message while creating new AVD vms. Please assist.

The template deployment 'AddVMsToHostPool-813c27ff-fccf-4212-af8b-1f91c8ba60f9-deployment' is not valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is '496951b1-3a6b-42c6-adc0-bb08555b3920'. See inner errors for details. (Code: InvalidTemplateDeployment) Operation could not be completed as it results in exceeding approved standardDASv5Family Cores quota. Additional details - Deployment Model: Resource Manager, Location: eastus, Current Limit: 0, Current Usage: 0, Additional Required: 8, (Minimum) New Limit Required: 8. Submit a request for Quota increase at https://aka.ms/ProdportalCRP/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Capacity/UsageAndQuota.ReactView/Parameters/%7B%22subscriptionId%22:%228f83b917-bf9f-41b8-b198-b370a0764e1a%22,%22command%22:%22openQuotaApprovalBlade%22,%22quotas%22:[%7B%22location%22:%22eastus%22,%22providerId%22:%22Microsoft.Compute%22,%22resourceName%22:%22standardDASv5Family%22,%22quotaRequest%22:%7B%22properties%22:%7B%22limit%22:8,%22unit%22:%22Count%22,%22name%22:%7B%22value%22:%22standardDASv5Family%22%7D%7D%7D%7D]%7D by specifying parameters listed in the ‘Details’ section for deployment to succeed. Please read more about quota limits at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-supportability/per-vm-quota-requests (Code: QuotaExceeded)

Azure Virtual Desktop
Azure Virtual Desktop
A Microsoft desktop and app virtualization service that runs on Azure. Previously known as Windows Virtual Desktop.
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  1. Vahid Ghafarpour 22,450 Reputation points

    Thanks for posting your question in the Microsoft Q&A forum.

    You need to request an increase in the quota for the 'standardDASv5Family' VMs in the 'eastus' region. You can submit a request for a quota increase through the Azure portal by following the link provided in the error message: https://aka.ms/ProdportalCRP/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Capacity/UsageAndQuota.ReactView/Parameters/.... This link will take you to the quota approval page.

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  2. Marvin Ziegenhorn 0 Reputation points

    i solve the problem by chossing another CPU Family. I have choosen the v4 CPU and that works fine without any problems in the deployment.



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