TMDL scripts

TMDL scripts enable you to apply an action to a semantic model, which could be a change or operation. A TMDL script has two parts:

  • A command, which is required and should be declared at the top of the TMDL script.
  • One or more semantic model objects using TMDL language definition or reference.


<TMDL Command name>
  <TMDL object>
  [<TMDL object>]

CreateOrReplace command

Creates or replaces the specified semantic model objects and all the descendants. Existing objects are replaced with a new definition.

The order of TMDL objects inside the createOrReplace command is not important.

The semantics of TMDL language are applied to objects within the createOrReplace command. For example, it's possible to split the object definition into multiple segments, however the same property can't be declared more than once. You can learn more about the TMDL language.


Create or replace the measure # Products (with Sales) from the table Sales and the full definition of the table Product:


  ref table Sales
    measure '# Products (with Sales)' = DISTINCTCOUNT('Sales'[ProductKey])
        formatString: #,##0
  table Product

    measure '# Products' = COUNTROWS('Product')
        formatString: #,##0

    column Product
        dataType: string
        summarizeBy: none
        sourceColumn: Product

    column Category
        dataType: string
        summarizeBy: none
        sourceColumn: Category

    partition Product-partition = m
        mode: import
        source =
                    Source = #"RAW-Product",
                    #"Renamed Columns" = Table.RenameColumns(Source,{{"Product Name", "Product"}})
                    #"Renamed Columns"

Considerations and limitations

Only one command verb per script execution is supported.

The following articles describe more about TMDL and its uses.