List of calculation context

In aggregation functions, the calculation context defines the data scope that's used as the source for the aggregation. The Power Automate Process Mining desktop app provides several data calculation modes, which are described in Requirements for application.


These operations are available in Power Automate Process Mining desktop app only. They aren't available in other parts of Power Automate, which use Power Fx operations.

Custom metrics can include nested aggregations, or aggregations used in an expression. For example, the expression AVG(DURATION()/AVG(AllInView, DURATION())) returns the ratio of the average duration of certain activities or edges to the average duration of all activities or edges.

Available contexts

Context Description
Implicit Default context; no need to specify. Aggregation is calculated for each unique value; that is, for each activity or edge in the map.
AllInView Aggregation is calculated for all values in the view.
ViewCases Aggregation is calculated for all cases in the view.
ViewEvents Aggregation is calculated for all events in the view.
ViewEdges Aggregation is calculated for all edges in the view.
AllInProcess Aggregation is calculated for all values in the process.
ProcessCases Aggregation is calculated for all cases in the process.
ProcessEvents Aggregation is calculated for all events in the process.
ProcessEdges Aggregation is calculated for all edges in the process.
AllInBR Aggregation is calculated for all values in the business rule scope.
BRCases Aggregation is calculated for all cases in the business rule scope.
BREvents Aggregation is calculated for all events in the business rule scope.
BREdges Aggregation is calculated for all edges in the business rule scope.
EventsPerAttribute Aggregation is calculated for all events with the same value for the selected attribute.
EdgesPerAttribute Aggregation is calculated for all edges with the same value for the selected attribute.
CasesPerAttribute Aggregation is calculated for actual cases, with each case calculated one time.
CaseEvents Non-aggregated evaluation of events in a single case.
CaseEdges Non-aggregated evaluation of edges in a single case.

Use different calculation contexts

AVG(DURATION()): Returns the average duration of a specific activity or edge. When visualized in the process map, the value differs for different activities or edges. In other words, the average duration is calculated in the context of the activity or edge that's visualized.

AVG(AllInView, DURATION()): Returns the average duration of all activities or edges in the view. When visualized in the process map, one value is used for all activities and a different value is used for all edges. In other words, there are two different values.

AVG(ProcessCases, DURATION()): Returns the average duration of all cases in the process, regardless of the view filters. When visualized in the process map, the value is the same for all activities and edges. In other words, there's one value for all activities and edges.

AVG(ViewEvents, DURATION()): Returns the average duration of all events in the view. When visualized in the process map, the value is the same for all activities and edges. In other words, there's one value for all activities and edges.

AVG(ViewEdges, DURATION()): Returns the average duration of all edges in the view. When visualized in the process map, the value is the same for all activities and edges. In other words, there's one value for all activities and edges.

AVG(CasesPerAttribute, DURATION()): Returns the average duration of all cases that flow across the activities and edges. It's the same value for all activities and edges that contain the same set of cases.

AVG(CasesPerAttribute, DURATION()): The same metric as the one above, now used in the Statistics case-level attribute. It returns the average duration of all cases in the view that have the same value for the attribute Supplier.City, with each case calculated once.

AVG(EventsPerAttribute, DURATION()): Returns the average duration of all events in the view that have the same activity value. This is a standard metric in the Performance view - Mean Duration. This metric is unavailable for edges. The calculation context is limited to events only.

AVG(EventsPerAttribute, DURATION()): The same metric as the previous one, now used in the Statistics event-level attribute. It returns the average duration of all events in the view that have the same value for the attribute Resource. Refer to the last column, EventsPerAttribute-Avg.

AVG(EdgesPerAttribute, DURATION()): Returns the average duration of all edges in the view for a process map path. This is the standard metric in the Performance view - Mean Duration on edges. This metric is unavailable for events. The calculation context is limited to edges only.