Invalid Git configuration in Azure Synapse
Whenever I open the Azure Synapse, I'm getting the below popup saying Invalid Git config I've owner access to the Azure Git repo still cannot have the Git enabled here. It also says that I need to switch back to Git mode to make changes but Azure Git is…
Invalid Git Configuration
Hello, I am using the data factory author section for the first time to look at the existing data factory pipelines. I get this message. Invalid Git configuration. Any suggestions please? p.s. I am totally new to the azure DevOps...
cannot find data files for Exercise - Integrate a Notebook within Azure Synapse Pipelines
I want to follow the workshop at However, the exercise starts with data loading and I…
Can't create a new azure synapse analytics resource: No location is accepted for my subscription
I keep on getting this error when i try to create an azure synapse analytics resource. I tried multiple different regions but still the same error. Maybe something is wrong with my subscription. This is the error message i get:…
Does azure synapse analytics support using custom VNet?
Hi there, Does azure synapse analytics support using custom VNet? What services on Azure support the use of custom virtual networks? Thanks&Regards, zmsoft
Convert Dataverse Table to JSON String in Synapse Pipeline
I am working on a pipeline in Azure Synapse Analytics, and I need to convert a Dataverse table to a JSON string. I want to know if it's possible to achieve this using a Web Activity within the pipeline. If so, could someone please explain how it can be…
Investigating and solving UserErrorSqlDWCopyCommandError error
Hi, I'm managing some ADF pipelines to write data on a Synapse Analytics dedicated SQL pool. Sometimes, not always, some pipelines finish with a timeout error. In particular, for an ADF pipeline I've the UserErrorSqlDWCopyCommandError error, with this…
Update/Transform Headerless CSV Source
I am attempting to create a new dataflow to sink into a SQL table from a CSV source. My csv is missing it's header row though, so I'm stumbling on how to map the columns. It is delimited via pipe ('|'). Previous answers I have found reference a Headers…
Recommended CI/CD Setup for Azure Synapse
Most tutorials and recommendations for how to set up CICD in azure synapse suggest creating multiple workspaces (e.g. -dev, -qa, -uat, -prod) and using a devops pipeline to move artifacts between the environments. Including this video tutorial from the…
Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse - How to delete audit entries after a specified period of time
We have a Synapse Link for Dataverse that sends audit table data into Synapse. When setting up the Synapse Link for Dataverse, Audit and Audit_Partitioned tables were automatically created. This setup works well, and all audit entries appear as…
How to access secrets from Key Vault from Synapse Spark Job Definition PySpark file
Hello Everyone I'm trying to read the data source credentials as a secrets from the Key Vault using the Python SDK on a PySpark Job. I've gone through many articles and used different ways to read the secrets from Key Vault, but nothing worked out.…
Restoring synapselink parquet files
Hi. We accidentally unlinked our audit table in synapselink for dataverse. Now we lost all data stored by synapselink from over 6 months and have been deleting data from d365. Is there anyway to recover the parquet files automatically created by…

I am trying to use the default sql storage of synapse ws as the sink for my data, but it throws logon failure
Here is the error I am getting Cannot connect to SQL database: 'jdbc:sqlserver://<synapse workspace name>;database={Built-in}', 'Managed Identity (factory name): <synapse workspace name>'.[SQL Exception]Error…
Azure Synapse Link Roles
Hi Team I have a Synapse Link With F&O now we are transitioning to Production, but all the UAT process has been made with SysAdmin permissions on the Power Platform Environment, I tried to find documentation about the roles but can't find anything,…
Is It Possible to Parse JSON Data in an External Table with Serverless SQL Pool?
Hello, I’m currently working on creating an external table in Azure Synapse Serverless SQL Pool using a JSON Lines formatted file. However, I’ve encountered a limitation: Serverless SQL Pool does not natively support JSON file formats for external table…
Deterministic encryption algorithm for encrypting a data column
Hi, I need to encrypt only a table column of data possibly with a deterministic algorithm and a fixed key. I've tried to use the simple simmetric encryption, but for each execution changing the related encrypted column. Any suggests to me, please? Thanks
What’s the best approach to create external tables from JSON logs using Serverless SQL Pool?.
Hello, I am currently using Azure Logging to monitor logs in real-time via Log Stream. The goal is to store these logs in a Storage Account Gen 2 container and create an external table in Azure Synapse Analytics for data analysis. However, I…
How to remove/unset Spark configs that are pre-set by Microsoft
Background Synapse Apache Spark configurations allow users to create a blueprint for a Spark configuration that can be used for customizing the Spark behavior. This blueprint can be assigned to a Spark Pool (and will be used as new default for new…
Unable to update datetime to sink via data flow
Hi, I want to pass in a parameter to the data flow. This variable is current UTC value. @formatDateTime(utcNow(), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff') In my data flow, I have a derived column. My sink column is timestamp data…
Unable to read content of file despite able to see FileInfo. urlopen error [Errno 5] Input/output error
I have 2 notebooks in different accounts, Staging & Production. Both use Managed Identity, linkedService -> System-assigned managed identity, and mounted drive. Both notebooks use the exact same code: Both can see the FileInfo, name, size,…