CPathT Class
This class represents a path.
This class and its members cannot be used in applications that execute in the Windows Runtime.
template <typename StringType>
class CPathT
The ATL/MFC string class to use for the path (see CStringT).
Name | Description |
CPathT::PCXSTR | A constant string type. |
CPathT::PXSTR | A string type. |
CPathT::XCHAR | A character type. |
Name | Description |
CPathT::CPathT | The constructor for the path. |
Name | Description |
CPathT::AddBackslash | Call this method to add a backslash to the end of a string to create the correct syntax for a path. |
CPathT::AddExtension | Call this method to add a file extension to a path. |
CPathT::Append | Call this method to append a string to the current path. |
CPathT::BuildRoot | Call this method to create a root path from a given drive number. |
CPathT::Canonicalize | Call this method to convert the path to canonical form. |
CPathT::Combine | Call this method to concatenate a string representing a directory name and a string representing a file path name into one path. |
CPathT::CommonPrefix | Call this method to determine whether the specified path shares a common prefix with the current path. |
CPathT::CompactPath | Call this method to truncate a file path to fit within a given pixel width by replacing path components with ellipsis. |
CPathT::CompactPathEx | Call this method to truncate a file path to fit within a given number of characters by replacing path components with ellipsis. |
CPathT::FileExists | Call this method to check whether the file at this path name exists. |
CPathT::FindExtension | Call this method to find the position of the file extension within the path. |
CPathT::FindFileName | Call this method to find the position of the file name within the path. |
CPathT::GetDriveNumber | Call this method to search the path for a drive letter within the range of 'A' to 'Z' and return the corresponding drive number. |
CPathT::GetExtension | Call this method to get the file extension from the path. |
CPathT::IsDirectory | Call this method to check whether the path is a valid directory. |
CPathT::IsFileSpec | Call this method to search a path for any path-delimiting characters (for example, : or \ ). If there are no path-delimiting characters present, the path is considered to be a File Spec path. |
CPathT::IsPrefix | Call this method to determine whether a path contains a valid prefix of the type passed by pszPrefix. |
CPathT::IsRelative | Call this method to determine if the path is relative. |
CPathT::IsRoot | Call this method to determine if the path is a directory root. |
CPathT::IsSameRoot | Call this method to determine whether another path has a common root component with the current path. |
CPathT::IsUNC | Call this method to determine whether the path is a valid UNC (universal naming convention) path for a server and share. |
CPathT::IsUNCServer | Call this method to determine whether the path is a valid UNC (universal naming convention) path for a server only. |
CPathT::IsUNCServerShare | Call this method to determine whether the path is a valid UNC (universal naming convention) share path, \\server\share . |
CPathT::MakePretty | Call this method to convert a path to all lowercase characters to give the path a consistent appearance. |
CPathT::MatchSpec | Call this method to search the path for a string containing a wildcard match type. |
CPathT::QuoteSpaces | Call this method to enclose the path in quotation marks if it contains any spaces. |
CPathT::RelativePathTo | Call this method to create a relative path from one file or folder to another. |
CPathT::RemoveArgs | Call this method to remove any command-line arguments from the path. |
CPathT::RemoveBackslash | Call this method to remove the trailing backslash from the path. |
CPathT::RemoveBlanks | Call this method to remove all leading and trailing spaces from the path. |
CPathT::RemoveExtension | Call this method to remove the file extension from the path, if there is one. |
CPathT::RemoveFileSpec | Call this method to remove the trailing file name and backslash from the path, if it has them. |
CPathT::RenameExtension | Call this method to replace the file name extension in the path with a new extension. If the file name does not contain an extension, the extension will be attached to the end of the string. |
CPathT::SkipRoot | Call this method to parse a path, ignoring the drive letter or UNC server/share path parts. |
CPathT::StripPath | Call this method to remove the path portion of a fully qualified path and file name. |
CPathT::StripToRoot | Call this method to remove all parts of the path except for the root information. |
CPathT::UnquoteSpaces | Call this method to remove quotation marks from the beginning and end of a path. |
Name | Description |
CPathT::operator const StringType & | This operator allows the object to be treated like a string. |
CPathT::operator CPathT::PCXSTR | This operator allows the object to be treated like a string. |
CPathT::operator StringType & | This operator allows the object to be treated like a string. |
CPathT::operator += | This operator appends a string to the path. |
Name | Description |
CPathT::m_strPath | The path. |
, CPathA
, and CPathW
are instantiations of CPathT
defined as follows:
typedef CPathT< CString > CPath;
typedef CPathT< CStringA > CPathA;
typedef CPathT< CStringW > CPathW;
Header: atlpath.h
Call this method to add a backslash to the end of a string to create the correct syntax for a path. If the path already has a trailing backslash, no backslash will be added.
void AddBackslash();
For more information, see PathAddBackSlash.
Call this method to add a file extension to a path.
BOOL AddExtension(PCXSTR pszExtension);
The file extension to add.
Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
For more information, see PathAddExtension.
Call this method to append a string to the current path.
BOOL Append(PCXSTR pszMore);
The string to append.
Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
For more information, see PathAppend.
Call this method to create a root path from a given drive number.
void BuildRoot(int iDrive);
The drive number (0 is A:
, 1 is B:
, and so on).
For more information, see PathBuildRoot.
Call this method to convert the path to canonical form.
void Canonicalize();
For more information, see PathCanonicalize.
Call this method to concatenate a string representing a directory name and a string representing a file path name into one path.
void Combine(PCXSTR pszDir, PCXSTR pszFile);
The directory path.
The file path.
For more information, see PathCombine.
Call this method to determine whether the specified path shares a common prefix with the current path.
CPathT<StringType> CommonPrefix(PCXSTR pszOther);
The path to compare to the current one.
Returns the common prefix.
A prefix is one of these types: "C:\\", ".", "..", "..\\". For more information, see PathCommonPrefix.
Call this method to truncate a file path to fit within a given pixel width by replacing path components with ellipsis.
BOOL CompactPath(HDC hDC, UINT nWidth);
The device context used for font metrics.
The width, in pixels, that the string will be forced to fit in.
Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
For more information, see PathCompactPath.
Call this method to truncate a file path to fit within a given number of characters by replacing path components with ellipsis.
BOOL CompactPathEx(UINT nMaxChars, DWORD dwFlags = 0);
The maximum number of characters to be contained in the new string, including the terminating NULL character.
Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
For more information, see PathCompactPathEx.
The constructor.
CPathT(PCXSTR pszPath);
CPathT(const CPathT<StringType>& path);
CPathT() throw();
The pointer to a path string.
The path string.
Call this method to check whether the file at this path name exists.
BOOL FileExists() const;
Returns TRUE if the file exists, FALSE otherwise.
For more information, see PathFileExists.
Call this method to find the position of the file extension within the path.
int FindExtension() const;
Returns the position of the "." preceding the extension. If no extension is found, returns -1.
For more information, see PathFindExtension.
Call this method to find the position of the file name within the path.
int FindFileName() const;
Returns the position of the file name. If no file name is found, returns -1.
For more information, see PathFindFileName.
Call this method to search the path for a drive letter within the range of 'A' to 'Z' and return the corresponding drive number.
int GetDriveNumber() const;
Returns the drive number as an integer from 0 through 25 (corresponding to 'A' through 'Z') if the path has a drive letter, or -1 otherwise.
For more information, see PathGetDriveNumber.
Call this method to get the file extension from the path.
StringType GetExtension() const;
Returns the file extension.
Call this method to check whether the path is a valid directory.
BOOL IsDirectory() const;
Returns a non-zero value (16) if the path is a directory, FALSE otherwise.
For more information, see PathIsDirectory.
Call this method to search a path for any path-delimiting characters (for example, :
or \
). If there are no path-delimiting characters present, the path is considered to be a File Spec path.
BOOL IsFileSpec() const;
Returns TRUE if there are no path-delimiting characters within the path, or FALSE if there are path-delimiting characters.
For more information, see PathIsFileSpec.
Call this method to determine whether a path contains a valid prefix of the type passed by pszPrefix.
BOOL IsPrefix(PCXSTR pszPrefix) const;
The prefix for which to search. A prefix is one of these types: "C:\\", ".", "..", "..\\".
Returns TRUE if the path contains the prefix, or FALSE otherwise.
For more information, see PathIsPrefix.
Call this method to determine if the path is relative.
BOOL IsRelative() const;
Returns TRUE if the path is relative, or FALSE if it is absolute.
For more information, see PathIsRelative.
Call this method to determine if the path is a directory root.
BOOL IsRoot() const;
Returns TRUE if the path is a root, or FALSE otherwise.
For more information, see PathIsRoot.
Call this method to determine whether another path has a common root component with the current path.
BOOL IsSameRoot(PCXSTR pszOther) const;
The other path.
Returns TRUE if both strings have the same root component, or FALSE otherwise.
For more information, see PathIsSameRoot.
Call this method to determine whether the path is a valid UNC (universal naming convention) path for a server and share.
BOOL IsUNC() const;
Returns TRUE if the path is a valid UNC path, or FALSE otherwise.
For more information, see PathIsUNC.
Call this method to determine whether the path is a valid UNC (universal naming convention) path for a server only.
BOOL IsUNCServer() const;
Returns TRUE if the string is a valid UNC path for a server only (no share name), or FALSE otherwise.
For more information, see PathIsUNCServer.
Call this method to determine whether the path is a valid UNC (universal naming convention) share path, \\ server\ share.
BOOL IsUNCServerShare() const;
Returns TRUE if the path is in the form \\ server\ share, or FALSE otherwise.
For more information, see PathIsUNCServerShare.
The path.
StringType m_strPath;
is the template parameter to CPathT
Call this method to convert a path to all lowercase characters to give the path a consistent appearance.
BOOL MakePretty();
Returns TRUE if the path has been converted, or FALSE otherwise.
For more information, see PathMakePretty.
Call this method to search the path for a string containing a wildcard match type.
BOOL MatchSpec(PCXSTR pszSpec) const;
Pointer to a null-terminated string with the file type for which to search. For example, to test whether the file at the current path is a DOC file, pszSpec should be set to "*.doc".
Returns TRUE if the string matches, or FALSE otherwise.
For more information, see PathMatchSpec.
This operator appends a string to the path.
CPathT<StringType>& operator+=(PCXSTR pszMore);
The string to append.
Returns the updated path.
This operator allows the object to be treated like a string.
operator const StringType&() const throw();
Returns a string representing the current path managed by this object.
This operator allows the object to be treated like a string.
operator PCXSTR() const throw();
Returns a string representing the current path managed by this object.
This operator allows the object to be treated like a string.
operator StringType&() throw();
Returns a string representing the current path managed by this object.
A constant string type.
typedef StringType::PCXSTR PCXSTR;
is the template parameter to CPathT
A string type.
typedef StringType::PXSTR PXSTR;
is the template parameter to CPathT
Call this method to enclose the path in quotation marks if it contains any spaces.
void QuoteSpaces();
For more information, see PathQuoteSpaces.
Call this method to create a relative path from one file or folder to another.
BOOL RelativePathTo(
PCXSTR pszFrom,
DWORD dwAttrFrom,
DWORD dwAttrTo);
The start of the relative path.
The File attributes of pszFrom. If this value contains FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, pszFrom is assumed to be a directory; otherwise, pszFrom is assumed to be a file.
The end point of the relative path.
The File attributes of pszTo. If this value contains FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, pszTo is assumed to be a directory; otherwise, pszTo is assumed to be a file.
Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
For more information, see PathRelativePathTo.
Call this method to remove any command-line arguments from the path.
void RemoveArgs();
For more information, see PathRemoveArgs.
Call this method to remove the trailing backslash from the path.
void RemoveBackslash();
For more information, see PathRemoveBackslash.
Call this method to remove all leading and trailing spaces from the path.
void RemoveBlanks();
For more information, see PathRemoveBlanks.
Call this method to remove the file extension from the path, if there is one.
void RemoveExtension();
For more information, see PathRemoveExtension.
Call this method to remove the trailing file name and backslash from the path, if it has them.
BOOL RemoveFileSpec();
Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
For more information, see PathRemoveFileSpec.
Call this method to replace the file name extension in the path with a new extension. If the file name does not contain an extension, the extension will be attached to the end of the path.
BOOL RenameExtension(PCXSTR pszExtension);
The new file name extension, preceded by a "." character.
Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
For more information, see PathRenameExtension.
Call this method to parse a path, ignoring the drive letter or UNC (universal naming convention) server/share path parts.
int SkipRoot() const;
Returns the position of the beginning of the subpath that follows the root (drive letter or UNC server/share).
For more information, see PathSkipRoot.
Call this method to remove the path portion of a fully qualified path and file name.
void StripPath();
For more information, see PathStripPath.
Call this method to remove all parts of the path except for the root information.
BOOL StripToRoot();
Returns TRUE if a valid drive letter was found in the path, or FALSE otherwise.
For more information, see PathStripToRoot.
Call this method to remove quotation marks from the beginning and end of a path.
void UnquoteSpaces();
For more information, see PathUnquoteSpaces.
A character type.
typedef StringType::XCHAR XCHAR;
is the template parameter to CPathT