8,461 questions with Azure App Service tags

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1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Custom Domain adding issue

I am trying to add a custom domain (<redacted>.com) for my App Service (B1 plan). I've added the provided TXT record in GoDaddy's DNS settings but my domain after 48 hours is not verified. Below is the error message: Validation failed because the…

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-03-15T08:10:04.6266667+00:00
Ara Martirosyan 0 Reputation points
edited the question 2025-03-15T10:20:17.54+00:00
TP 109.8K Reputation points
2 answers

App Service Private Link still allows public internet access to URL.

We created an App Service with a Privatelink so that only the URL is accessible to the Azure network domain. The URL is still accessible from the public internet.

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-03-10T19:27:37.07+00:00
Carlos Tijerina 0 Reputation points
edited an answer 2025-03-15T07:49:01.5033333+00:00
Siva Nair 735 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
0 answers

Azure app services reporting degraded health, need help

Starting at 11pm EST 3-14-2025 my azure app service has been experiencing constant issues staying online. It has been running fine for months, and now the app instances will not stay running. need help. Tried to put in a support ticket and it directed me…

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-03-15T04:08:49.54+00:00
Jason Hargrave 0 Reputation points
0 answers

Web app path mappings for one app service doesn't work whereas others configured the same do

I have a few app services, each have an Azure File Storage mounted, and then virtual directories mapped to that mount. This is working fine in two UK setups, works on my original Canadian service, but I'm now adding a second app in Canada, pointing to…

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-03-15T03:16:58.2066667+00:00
Paul Sloman 0 Reputation points
0 answers

I want to create a service plan in the region of South Central US with zone redundant enabled

I am encountering an issue while deploying an App Service plan using our current resource group. The deployment fails with the following error: Error Message: "Operation cannot be completed without additional AZ quota. Please file a support ticket…

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-03-14T17:00:10.7066667+00:00
OWC 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-14T22:51:18.9333333+00:00
ChaitanyaNaykodi-MSFT 27,181 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer

Azure Web App Service - Client Secret Error (AADSTS7000222) Despite Multiple New Secrets

We have an Azure ADO pipeline that is failing to deploy in one of our environments. QA and Dev are successful, but Prod fails with the error below. ERROR: Failed to get resource ID for resource type 'Microsoft.Web/Sites' and resource name…

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-03-14T18:14:32.6766667+00:00
AdamLaFever-5575 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-14T22:36:02.2633333+00:00
brtrach-MSFT 17,476 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
0 answers

Issue with video on Azure App Backup & Restore learn page

On the Azure App Service unit for Backup and Restore: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/modules/configure-azure-app-services/9-backup-app-service It has a video that says it is for backing up and restoring the app, but is actually for securing…

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-03-14T20:03:26.1966667+00:00
Jim Millican 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Receiving Message AADSTS50011 when trying to upload a Sophos Outlook Add-in

I'm trying to upload an Sophos Outlook Add-in via Setting - Integrated Apps - Upload custom apps. I download the manifest file from Sophos and when I get to the point of Accepting, the following message appears: Message: AADSTS50011: The redirect URI…

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-03-14T15:28:11.5+00:00
Boyd Thomas 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-14T19:15:35.42+00:00
Chiugo Okpala 950 Reputation points MVP
1 answer

Azure Web App Container Unhealthy With No Resolution

We have a fastapi application running in azure hooked up to a azure sql instance running in the deploy as code version of azure web apps. Everything is working fine accept sometimes there is a hang up on once of the instances that doesn't correct…

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-03-12T17:33:47.1933333+00:00
Nicolas Joye 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-14T18:45:24.1966667+00:00
Bhargavi Naragani 1,460 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
2 answers

I'm experiencing problems with EF and SQL Server when running on Azure Webservice. The same code runs fine from VS with same db.

If I turn debugging on and connect my VS to the process, the error doesn't occur. Also I can run the code just fine from Visual Studio towards the same database. I do not Lazy Load. All Queries ens with ToFirstAsync() or ToListAsync() and has a Select to…

Entity Framework Core
Entity Framework Core
A lightweight, extensible, open-source, and cross-platform version of the Entity Framework data access technology.
779 questions
Azure SQL Database
Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
Azure Startups
Azure Startups
Azure: A cloud computing platform and infrastructure for building, deploying and managing applications and services through a worldwide network of Microsoft-managed datacenters.Startups: Companies that are in their initial stages of business and typically developing a business model and seeking financing.
630 questions
asked 2025-02-15T10:00:46.1533333+00:00
Tomas Ekenman 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-14T18:00:23.37+00:00
Tomas Ekenman 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Reactivate before Data Deleted

I cannot re-activate my subscription even though it states that there are no payments due. I am at risk of losing all of the data at the end of the month.

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-03-14T16:00:32.73+00:00
Arman N 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-14T17:29:26.86+00:00
Marcin Policht 38,630 Reputation points MVP
4 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

The subscription is not allowed to create or update the serverfarm

Scenario : App service deployment or scaling  Issue: Error " The subscription '<id>' is not allowed to create or update the serverfarm." Workaround:  Retry to provision the App Service after a few hours (similar thread #1535067 user was…

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2024-04-17T10:41:42.7+00:00
VenkateshDodda-MSFT 24,136 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
commented 2025-03-14T17:25:09.5166667+00:00
Ken Just-Ken 0 Reputation points
2 answers

Install GDAL and GRASS on python Web App

I have developed a python script that uses GDAL and GRASS and runs fine on my local Macbook Pro. I need to make the python scripts work on the Azure Web App. For this I need to install GDAL and GRASS on the web app server. On my local machine, I am…

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-03-13T00:59:08.62+00:00
Dhananjay Agarwal 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-14T17:17:57.47+00:00
Dhananjay Agarwal 0 Reputation points
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

The subscription is not allowed to create or update the serverfarm

Hello everyone! I'm new to the Azure Community. I've been trying for three days, and after hours of waiting to publish, I always encounter the same error. I'm trying to publish my first web app on Azure, and many times I receive this error Error…

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2024-04-22T20:45:28.9+00:00
David Alves 30 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-14T16:36:35.52+00:00
Ken Just-Ken 0 Reputation points
0 answers

ZIP deploy file to Azure Web App using a SAS URL always fails with a 403 Forbidden error

I am trying to publish my web app using the command described in this documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/deploy-zip?tabs=cli#deploy-to-network-secured-apps az webapp deploy --resource-group

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-03-13T15:44:47.04+00:00
Emma Wang 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-14T15:09:37.81+00:00
Emma Wang 0 Reputation points
0 answers

I am wanting to find out which account in Azure that this deployment is from https://jolly-pond-0c685d303.4.azurestaticapps.net/

I am wanting to find out which account in Azure that this deployment is from https://jolly-pond-0c685d303.4.azurestaticapps.net/ This was set up over a yeat ago for a project that stalled, I have had multiple sign ups and am wanting to be able to…

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-03-14T14:45:53.86+00:00
Scott Feather 0 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

App Service Domain - Domain renewal taking too long

Dear Community, my DNS domain expired and I managed to renew it before the 18 days deadline. However although I could see that the expiration date has changed the domain is still not reachable. How long does it usually take for updates to be taken into…

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-02-25T17:15:41.9533333+00:00
Khammari, Syrine 20 Reputation points
accepted 2025-03-14T13:08:04.2466667+00:00
Khammari, Syrine 20 Reputation points
1 answer

Where is the Quotas option in App Service plan in Microsoft Azure?

Hi, I’ve been using the Quotas option in the App Service plan to check the web app's usage for auditing purposes. However, today when I accessed my web app, the option was missing. Under the App Service plan, only the plan details are visible, with no…

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-03-14T10:19:38.5366667+00:00
Ashton 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-14T12:07:52.9333333+00:00
Prabhavathi Manchala 80 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
1 answer

What would cause restricting traffic to whitelisted IP and VNET on a storage account to break the deployment of a related Azure Function, but only some of the time?

I have several dozen Azure Blob Storage accounts tied to Azure functions. I am in the process of restricting traffic to these accounts to VNET and whitelisted IP. I've successfully set this and been able to deploy the azure function, through an Azure…

Azure Functions
Azure Functions
An Azure service that provides an event-driven serverless compute platform.
5,539 questions
Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-03-03T15:36:00.1766667+00:00
Demougin, Matthew W 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-14T11:45:41.4733333+00:00
Demougin, Matthew W 0 Reputation points
0 answers

How to bind a Managed Certificate using the Azure SDK?

How do we go about binding a Managed Certificate to a Custom Domain using the new ResourceManager SDK? Unfortunately, the samples don't cover this task. (In fact, they don't compile, with hundreds of broken references, so it's impossible to tell whether…

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-02-15T04:18:40.2533333+00:00
Jeff Bowman 106 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-14T11:06:51.7733333+00:00
Bodapati Harish 75 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff