I have a VM running with Enhanced backup policy. How can I move to standard backup policy in this case? WHat I understood is there is no stright forward approach to downgrade it. Whats the best approach here?
I have a VM running with Enhanced backup policy. How can I move to standard backup policy in this case? What I understood is there is no Stright forward approach to downgrade it. What's the best approach here? If this cannot be achieved directly, can we…
Azure Basic Firewall Public IP Egress calls
I have an azure basic firewall, From one of my VM egress call happening to a URL(Which is whitelisted). I have around 12 Public IPs attached to Firewall. How do I verify from which Public IP the request landed in target(no access logs available in…
Does Basic Azure Firewall supports X-FOrward-For
Does Basic Azure Firewall supports X-FOrward-For? How do I verify the client IP is passing to VM(apache2)?
Roadmap and support for MDS
I want to understand if there is an end of support date set for MDS which I couldn't find via https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle/products/. We are evaluating MDS for a new solution. It appears to ticket all the boxes from…
How to nominate our customer engagement to FastTrack for Azure?
We would like to nominate our customer engagement to use FastTrack for Azure. I combed through the entire FastTrack for Azure site. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/offers/azure-fasttrack/ I opened up multiple tickets and got bounced around each…
How Can I follow my trainees who redeemed my codes after the trainings?
I need to know where the Edu track website is? It's still not working, and I can't track my trainees redeemed codes? Thanks, in advance 😊

Getting the error while adding backend settings in App Gateway that maximum limit allowed is 100. Can we increase the limit of adding backend settings in App Gateway
Getting the error while adding backend settings in App Gateway that maximum limit allowed is 100. Can we increase the limit of adding backend settings in App Gateway

Azure AD B2C token enriching preview status for user flows
For Azure AD B2C, how long is the ability to enrich tokens with external claims using the api connector in user flows expected to be in preview? This will help make a decision about whether to use this functionality. The current documentation shows…
Tenant migration
Hello , I have one Azure subscription. All the resources are in France central. But my tenant is in "United States". This tenant I wanted to move to "India". Is there any downtime required for this activity? Essentially saying, I am…

WebSocket connections via Application Gateway Ingress Controller reset on Horizontal Pod Scaling events
We have an AKS cluster where we have implemented WebSocket services. We need clients to stay connected to our services and have utilized Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller for load balancing needs. However, we have observed that any (horizontal…
Azure b2c login. use email and username in login
At the time of login in b2c we can only see two operation modes. Either username or email. However our requirement is that we can have username( which is not an email) or valid email How can we achieve both of these functionalities in one login flow …
Fasttrack support
Need point of contacts to get deployment support
Private Networking for Azure Services
Advised to post here by our account manager for feedback from the fast track team. Requirements We want to improve our network security by denying public (internet) access to services such as SQL Server, Storage Accounts, CosmosDB and Key…
How to fix Error Code: 1478. InnoDB : A partitioned table is not allowed in a shared tablespace while migrating to MySQL Flexible Server from MySQL Single Server
We are planning to migrate mysql single server to flexible server, while doing so using data migration service in offline mode we encountered the below error for few the tables which had partition. The error message is The pipeline failed to prepare…
Azure Ad B2c PhoneFactor-Verify skip the send screen
I created an azure ad b2c policy with UserJourney that include an PhoneFactor-Verify step. I have a TechnicalProfile PhoneFactor-Verify: with ManualPhoneNumberEntryAllowed set to false, so user can NOT change registered phone number. …
Azure Rest API
How to update test steps in test results using rest api? I want to update steps in details section of test result summary
Enable Azure CDN for an existing website hosted in Wordpress
I have a website which is hosted in Wordpress. Can I improve the performance without moving static files to Storage account and without changing the FQDNS. This is done in Cloudflare CDN already by changing the Nameserver details in Domain…

Missing CVENumbers and PackageSeverity Details in Kusto Query Result
Update | where TimeGenerated > ago(5h) and OSType == "Linux" and SourceComputerId in ((Heartbeat | where TimeGenerated > ago(12h) and OSType == "Linux" and notempty(Computer) | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, Solutions)…

How to enable offsite back up to an isolated Microsoft location for our Azure Infrastructure?
Hi Fasttrack team, We have a requirement to have an offsite backup for our Azure Infrastructure. Our data centre offsite backups are done by a third party. This a cyber insurance requirement. Does Microsoft provide an offsite backup for Australian…

Do Enabling Customer Managed Keys will have any effect while accessing data using SAS keys?
We are trying to implement customer managed keys in storage accounts. So i do understand that we might have to make few code changes while connecting to Storage account as mentioned in the article…