24 questions with SQL Server Database Engine tags

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0 answers

Table Name: Order1 OrderId: Order's id OrderItemId: Item ids of the purchase orders. QuantityOrdered: Number of items Ordered for an order. ItemPrice: Order total value PromotionDiscount: Discount of an Order. batch_id: Batch id of the order. (Note: Us

Click on "Console" at the top right corner. Agree to the terms of service and click Continue. Search for "bigquery" on the search bar at the top. Click on "Create Project" Give the project a name you like. Click on…

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-13T16:22:56.8033333+00:00
vamshi k 0 Reputation points
edited a comment 2025-03-15T23:25:53.7933333+00:00
Dan Guzman 9,356 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

How Do I Connect to SQL Server?

How do I connect to a SQL server using my home computer? I ultimately just want to connect SQL to several CSV files that are on my desktop. Please let me know if you need additional information.

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-15T21:54:15.8933333+00:00
Brian Oliver 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-15T22:18:50.42+00:00
Brian Oliver 0 Reputation points
0 answers

Need hands on help with SQL server availability

I need on hands help diagnosing SQL server availability

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-14T17:07:03.9566667+00:00
David Svedberg 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-15T18:44:33+00:00
Erland Sommarskog 119.5K Reputation points MVP
1 answer

Why do no nodes appear in summary

I thought it would have at least one node, but it didn't. Did I misunderstand its concept

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-14T03:29:05.1+00:00
博雄 胡 545 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-14T16:49:16.7733333+00:00
Erland Sommarskog 119.5K Reputation points MVP
1 answer

Msg 15871, '@@FETCH_STATUS' is not supported.

I am running a query and have @@Fetch_Status while loop, but the query stops at the while loop and gives the error: Msg 15871, Level 16, State 6, Line 43 '@@FETCH_STATUS' is not supported. Not sure what the problem could be. Please assist.

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-13T09:10:12.8566667+00:00
Lufuno Sape 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-13T22:54:51.4533333+00:00
Erland Sommarskog 119.5K Reputation points MVP
3 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

SQL server collation issue while doing replication

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-12T19:23:34.1766667+00:00
Saikiran Avanigadda (INFOSYS LIMITED) 20 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
accepted 2025-03-13T22:35:24.8566667+00:00
Saikiran Avanigadda (INFOSYS LIMITED) 20 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
0 answers

Unknown token received from SQL Server [SQLSTATE HY000] (Error 0)

Ever since the last patching window, we have some scheduled jobs on SQL production that are intermittently failing, producing the error "Unknown token received from SQL Server [SQLSTATE HY000] (Error 0)" The jobs run fine if they are not…

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-12T17:43:23.67+00:00
Paul Lagasse 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-13T21:51:19.8733333+00:00
Erland Sommarskog 119.5K Reputation points MVP
0 answers

Availability Group is not connecting through Listener

I have set up 2 SQL VMs on Azure with VPN we connect to those VMs and it is a single subnet , No Public IP is used. but the listener is only accessible from Node1 when Node1's Availability group is primary and the listener is not accessible from Node1…

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-12T09:25:03.6133333+00:00
Saiju E 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-13T07:25:56.4633333+00:00
Saiju E 0 Reputation points
0 answers

I cannot uninstall SQL Server 2022

I have the same issue when uninstall SQL Server 2022 Express Overall summary: Final result: Failed: see details below Exit code (Decimal): -2068052294 Start time: 2025-03-13 08:39:16 End time: …

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-13T01:54:47.53+00:00
Khoi Phan Ngoc 10 Reputation points
1 answer

In MS Access what is the maximum "length" of the field in a table with data type "long text"?

Hi, i cannot see the size of the field and i have difficulties entering data with length higher than 2500 as varchar (table from sql server). I increased the field size to 3000 but it is not working I connected to that table again thanks for any…

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-11T16:15:50.7233333+00:00
commented 2025-03-12T21:40:01.3466667+00:00
Erland Sommarskog 119.5K Reputation points MVP
1 answer

SQL Server 2019/.2022 Express Launchpad service failed to start

I installed SQL Server 2019 Express on Windows 11 Pro 24H2 (with 250 GB HD, and 8 GB RAM) with ML services. It is a standalone machine and it is not a Domain Controller. The installation went fine. However I am unable to test R, Python, Java because the…

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-11T04:22:35.8266667+00:00
Khalid Thwiny 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-11T22:42:19.9666667+00:00
Erland Sommarskog 119.5K Reputation points MVP
0 answers

Issue access SQL - Error: Netlogon has failed an additional 1583 authentication requests in the last 30 minutes.

Any idea on how to fix this? " Netlogon has failed an additional 1583 authentication requests in the last 30 minutes. The requests timed out before they could be sent to domain controller (DC) in domain example.com. Please see…

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-11T18:23:21.0033333+00:00
Frankie 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-11T22:29:10.85+00:00
Erland Sommarskog 119.5K Reputation points MVP
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

SQL Express installation fails. Getting Exit code (Decimal): -2068052294 the setup failed

I am using a brand new laptop that I just bought a few months ago. It is a Windows laptop 7. I tried to download SLQ Express a few times. The first few times I tried, I thought the program failed because of the firewall, but after I turned it off, the…

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-09T21:41:21.0333333+00:00
Caleb Cosgrove 20 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-11T22:25:23.5166667+00:00
Erland Sommarskog 119.5K Reputation points MVP
1 answer

Why is Azure SQL DB used space larger than physical server storage used space?

We have an Azure SQL Server database and a physical server with a SQL Server database. The databases have the same structure, and we store similar data on both (different servers for different clients), and we've been using the physical server for longer…

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-10T15:16:49.2033333+00:00
Sean Meadows 20 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-11T22:08:58.28+00:00
Erland Sommarskog 119.5K Reputation points MVP
0 answers

Creating LinkedServer between On-Prem SQL to Azure SQL MI

Hi, is it possible to use security option (Be made using the login's current security context )with lnikedserver from on-prem SQL to MI ? Our MI is enabled for windows auth and we are successfully connect MI in SSMS using windows auth from on-prem…

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-10T09:22:44.1433333+00:00
Santosh 41 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-11T12:29:11.12+00:00
Santosh 41 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

I cannot install the SQL Server 2022 Developer Edition

I cannot install the SQL Server 2022 Developer Edition (x64) on windows 11 i tried alot of things even setup a new windows i get this error code 0x84B40002 and it says The SQL Server feature 'SQL_Engine_Core_Inst' is not in a supported state for repair,…

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-10T17:00:02.34+00:00
mark 20 Reputation points
accepted 2025-03-11T09:09:37.54+00:00
mark 20 Reputation points
1 answer

Could not connect azure sql db from ssms

I am getting error Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is…

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-10T17:27:36.8033333+00:00
Sabita Sahoo 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-10T22:26:31.9533333+00:00
Erland Sommarskog 119.5K Reputation points MVP
0 answers

I cannot install the SQL Server 2022 Developer Edition

I cannot install the SQL Server 2022 Developer Edition (x64) on windows 11 i tried alot of things even setup a new windows i get this error code 0x84B40002 and it says The SQL Server feature 'SQL_Engine_Core_Inst' is not in a supported state for repair,…

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-10T16:37:59.8466667+00:00
mark 20 Reputation points
0 answers

Transfer SQL Server 2022 license

We have a SQL Server 2022 license in our Microsoft 365 admin center which we purchased for a customer. Is it possible to change the ownership of a license and transfer it to the admin center of our customer?

SQL Server Database Engine
asked 2025-03-10T09:22:29.2+00:00
Kenny van den Bergh 0 Reputation points
asked 2025-03-09T15:11:54.3233333+00:00
omar tarek 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-09T21:48:59.3266667+00:00
Erland Sommarskog 119.5K Reputation points MVP