Earnings pages overview
Appropriate roles: Incentives: Incentives admin | Incentives user; Marketplace/Store: Owner or Financial contributor
The Partner Center Earnings workspace provides:
- Insights and detailed reports on earnings and payments.
- Associated reconciliation details for all incentive programs, marketplace, and store programs.
- Revenue and usage eligibility outcomes for Microsoft commerce incentives.
The Earnings page provides:
- One-stop view for partners to see information about earnings and payments, instead of transaction history and payment pages.
- Rich filter set with the ability to dissect earnings data by payment month, solution area, partner association and what's available in the current experience.
- View earnings organized by most earning top 50 customers and search by any customer.
- View earnings organized by most earning top 50 program, engagement, and lever.
- Instant data downloads of UI views.
- Detailed earnings report download for Incentives, both standard and growth reports; Store; marketplace. No changes to export schema or APIs.
The Revenue page provides:
- Insight into the eligibility of revenue or usage evaluated for Microsoft Commerce Incentives only.
- Insight into the top 50 customer by eligible and ineligible revenue and usage. Also, robust search results for any customer.
- Insight into customer, subscription, product level revenue, or usage metrics with ineligibility reason code. Also, the capability to search at the customer or subscription level.
- Sectional instant downloads and detailed reports of ineligible revenue and usage details.
The Reports page provides:
- Central reports download hub for everything within the earnings workspace.
- Downloads for Earnings-Default, Earnings-Growth, Earnings-Store, Earnings-Marketplace, Payments, Ineligible revenue, and usage.
- Manage earnings API for information about the earnings, payouts, and the corresponding transactional details. This API provides csv downloads.
- Partner Center announcements provide new feature additions and information on changes to the pages and workspace.