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Collect performance counters from virtual machine with Azure Monitor

Performance counters provide insight into the performance of virtual hardware components, operating systems, and workloads. Collect counters from both Windows and Linux virtual machines using a data collection rule (DCR) with a Performance Counters data source.

Details for the creation of the DCR are provided in Collect data from VM client with Azure Monitor. This article provides additional details for the Performance Counters data source type.


To work with the DCR definition directly or to deploy with other methods such as ARM templates, see Data collection rule (DCR) samples in Azure Monitor.

Configure performance counters data source

Create the DCR using the process in Collect data from virtual machine client with Azure Monitor. On the Collect and deliver tab of the DCR, select Performance Counters from the Data source type dropdown. Select from a predefined set of objects to collect and their sampling rate. The lower the sampling rate, the more frequently the value is collected.

Screenshot that shows the Azure portal form to select basic performance counters in a data collection rule.

Select Custom to specify an XPath to collect any performance counters not available with the Basic selection. Use the format \PerfObject(ParentInstance/ObjectInstance#InstanceIndex)\Counter.


If the counter name contains an ampersand (&), replace it with &. For example, \Memory\Free & Zero Page List Bytes.

Screenshot that shows the Azure portal form to select custom performance counters in a data collection rule.


Be careful when manually defining counters for DCRs that are associated with both Windows and Linux machines, since some Windows and Linux style counter names can resolve to the same metric and cause duplicate collection. For example, specifying both \LogicalDisk(*)\Disk Transfers/sec (Windows) and Logical Disk(*)\Disk Transfers/sec (Linux) in the same DCR will cause the Disk Transfers metric to be collected twice per sampling period.

This behavior can be avoided by not collecting performance counters in DCRs that don't specify a platform type. Ensure that Windows counters are only included in DCRs associated with Windows machines, and Linux counters are only included in DCRs associated with Linux machines.


Microsoft.HybridCompute (Azure Arc-enabled servers) resources can't currently be viewed in Metrics Explorer, but their metric data can be acquired via the Metrics REST API (Metric Namespaces - List, Metric Definitions - List, and Metrics - List).

Add destinations

Performance counters can be sent to a Log Analytics workspace where it's stored in the Perf table and/or Azure Monitor Metrics (preview) where it's available in Metrics explorer. Add a destination of type Azure Monitor Logs and select a Log Analytics workspace. While you can add multiple workspaces, be aware that this will send duplicate data to each which will result in additional cost. No further details are required for Azure Monitor Metrics (preview) since this is stored at the subscription level for the monitored resource.


For Linux, using Azure Monitor Metrics as the only destination is supported in v1.10.9.0 or higher.

Screenshot that shows configuration of an Azure Monitor Logs destination in a data collection rule.

Verify data collection

To verify that data is being collected in the Log Analytics workspace, check for records in the Perf table. From the virtual machine or from the Log Analytics workspace in the Azure portal, select Logs and then click the Tables button. Under the Virtual machines category, click Run next to Perf.

Screenshot that shows records returned from Perf table.

To verify that data is being collected in Azure Monitor Metrics, select Metrics from the virtual machine in the Azure portal. Select Virtual Machine Guest (Windows) or azure.vm.linux.guestmetrics for the namespace and then select a metric to add to the view.

Screenshot that shows client metrics in Metrics explorer.

Performance counters

The following performance counters are available to be collected by the Azure Monitor Agent for Windows and Linux virtual machines. The sample frequency can be changed when creating or updating the data collection rule.

Linux performance counters

Performance counter Category Default sample frequency
Processor(*)\% Processor Time CPU 60
Processor(*)\% Idle Time CPU 60
Processor(*)\% User Time CPU 60
Processor(*)\% Nice Time CPU 60
Processor(*)\% Privileged Time CPU 60
Processor(*)\% IO Wait Time CPU 60
Processor(*)\% Interrupt Time CPU 60
Memory(*)\Available MBytes Memory Memory 60
Memory(*)\% Available Memory Memory 60
Memory(*)\Used Memory MBytes Memory 60
Memory(*)\% Used Memory Memory 60
Memory(*)\Pages/sec Memory 60
Memory(*)\Page Reads/sec Memory 60
Memory(*)\Page Writes/sec Memory 60
Memory(*)\Available MBytes Swap Memory 60
Memory(*)\% Available Swap Space Memory 60
Memory(*)\Used MBytes Swap Space Memory 60
Memory(*)\% Used Swap Space Memory 60
Process(*)\Pct User Time Memory 60
Process(*)\Pct Privileged Time Memory 60
Process(*)\Used Memory Memory 60
Process(*)\Virtual Shared Memory Memory 60
Logical Disk(*)\% Free Inodes Disk 60
Logical Disk(*)\% Used Inodes Disk 60
Logical Disk(*)\Free Megabytes Disk 60
Logical Disk(*)\% Free Space Disk 60
Logical Disk(*)\% Used Space Disk 60
Logical Disk(*)\Logical Disk Bytes/sec Disk 60
Logical Disk(*)\Disk Read Bytes/sec Disk 60
Logical Disk(*)\Disk Write Bytes/sec Disk 60
Logical Disk(*)\Disk Transfers/sec Disk 60
Logical Disk(*)\Disk Reads/sec Disk 60
Logical Disk(*)\Disk Writes/sec Disk 60
Network(*)\Total Bytes Transmitted Network 60
Network(*)\Total Bytes Received Network 60
Network(*)\Total Bytes Network 60
Network(*)\Total Packets Transmitted Network 60
Network(*)\Total Packets Received Network 60
Network(*)\Total Rx Errors Network 60
Network(*)\Total Tx Errors Network 60
Network(*)\Total Collisions Network 60
System(*)\Uptime System 60
System(*)\Load1 System 60
System(*)\Load5 System 60
System(*)\Load15 System 60
System(*)\Users System 60
System(*)\Unique Users System 60
System(*)\CPUs System 60

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