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Add-on acquisitions report

The Add-on acquisitions report in Partner Center lets you see how many add-ons you've sold, along with demographic and platform details, and shows conversion info for customers on Windows 10 (including Xbox). You can also view near real-time acquisition data for the last hour or 72 hour period.

You can view this data in Partner Center, or download the report to view offline. Alternatively, you can programmatically retrieve this data by using the get add-on acquisitions method in the Microsoft Store analytics REST API.

In this report, an add-on acquisition means a customer has purchased an add-on from you (or acquired it without paying, if you offered it for free). Multiple purchases of the same consumable add-on by the same customer are counted as separate add-on acquisitions.


The Add-on acquisitions report does not include data about refunds, reversals, chargebacks, etc. To estimate your app proceeds, visit Payout summary. In the Reserved section, click the Download reserved transactions link.

Apply filters

Near the top of the page, you can select the time period for which you want to show data. The default selection is 30D (30 days), but you can choose to show data for 3, 6, or 12 months, or for a custom data range that you specify. You can also select 1H or 72H to show acquisition data in near real time for either one hour or 72 hours; these time periods only apply to the Add-on daily tab of the Add-on acquisitions chart and to the Acquisitions tab of the Markets chart.

You can also expand Filters to filter all of the data on this page by particular add-ons, by market and/or by device type.

  • Add-on: The default filter is All add-ons, but you can limit the data to one or more of the app's add-ons.
  • Market: The default filter is All markets, but you can limit the data to acquisitions in one or more markets.
  • Device type: The default setting is All devices. If you want to show data for acquisitions from a certain device type only (such as PC, console, or tablet), you can choose a specific one here.

The info in all of the charts listed below will reflect the date range and any filters you've selected. Some sections also allow you to apply additional filters.

Add-on acquisitions

The Add-on acquisitions chart shows the number of daily or weekly acquisitions of your add-ons over the selected period of time. (When you use Apply filters to show data for a longer duration, the acquisition data is grouped by week.)

You can also see the lifetime number of acquisitions for your app by selecting Add-on cumulative. This shows the cumulative total of all acquisitions, starting from when your app was first published.

You can optionally filter the results by whether the add-on acquisition originated from the client or web-based Store and/or by OS version.

Customer demographic

The Customer demographic chart shows demographic info about the people who acquired your add-ons. You can see how many acquisitions (over the selected period of time) were made by people in a certain age group and by which gender.


Some customers have opted not to share this info. If we were unable to determine the age group or gender, the acquisition is categorized as Unknown.


The Markets chart shows the total number of add-on acquisitions over the selected period of time for each market in which your app is available.

You can view this data in a Table form. Table form will show five markets at a time, sorted either alphabetically or by highest/lowest number of acquisitions or installs. You can also download the data to view info for all markets together.

Add-on page views and conversions by campaign ID

The Add-on page views and conversions by campaign ID chart shows you the total number of add-on conversions (acquisitions) per campaign ID over the selected period of time, helping you track conversions and page views from customers on Windows 10 or Windows 11 (including Xbox) for each of your custom promotion campaigns. Only add-on conversions are shown in this chart.


Customers could arrive at your app's listing by clicking on a custom campaign not created by you. We stamp every page view within a session with the campaign ID from which the customer first entered the Store. We then attribute conversions to that campaign ID for all acquisitions within 24 hours. Because of this, you might see a higher number of total conversions than the total conversions for your campaign IDs, and you might have conversions or add-on conversions that have zero page views.

Conversions breakdown by campaign ID

The Conversions breakdown by campaign ID chart lets you track conversions and page views from customers on Windows 10 or Windows 11 for each of your custom promotion campaigns. Both app and add-on conversions are shown per campaign ID.

In this chart, a page view means that a customer viewed the app's Store listing. A conversion means that a customer has newly obtained a license for the app or add-on (whether you charged money or you've offered it for free).

Keep in mind that these page views and conversion numbers aren't counts of unique customers.

Top add-ons

The Top add-ons chart shows the total number of acquisitions for each of your add-ons over the selected period of time, so you can see which of your add-ons are the most popular.