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Monitor app information and assignments with Microsoft Intune

Intune provides several ways to monitor the properties of apps that you manage and to manage app assignment status.

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Intune admin center.
  2. Select Apps > All Apps.
  3. In the list of apps, select an app to monitor. You'll then see the app pane, which includes an overview of the device status and the user status.


Microsoft Store and Android Store apps that are deployed as Available do not report their installation status.

For Managed Google Play apps deployed to Android Enterprise personally-owned work profile devices, you can view the status and version number of the app installed on a device using Intune.

From the Installed apps page of the Windows Company Portal or the Company Portal website, end users can view the installation status and details for device-assigned required apps. This functionality is provided in addition to the installation status and details of user-assigned required apps.

App overview pane

In the app pane, you can review details about the status of an app in your environment.


The Essentials section provides the following information about the app if applicable:

App details Description
Publisher The publisher of the app
Operating system The app operating system (Windows, iOS/iPadOS, Android, and so on)
Version If applicable, the version number of the app
MAM SDK enabled If applicable, whether the app uses the Intune MAM SDK (Yes or No)
Created The date and time when this revision was created Note: This date value is updated when an admin changes app metadata, such as changing the app category or app description.
Assigned Whether the app has been assigned (Yes or No)
App package file If applicable, the app package file name

Device and user status graphs

The graphs show the number of apps for the following status:

Device status Description
Installed The number of apps installed
Not Installed The number of apps not installed
Failed The number of failed installations
Install Pending The number of apps that are in the process of being installed
Not Applicable The number of apps for which status isn't applicable


Be aware that Android LOB apps (.APK) deployed as Available with or without enrollment only report app installation status for enrolled devices. App installation status is not available for devices that are not enrolled in Intune.

Device install status

A device status list is shown when you select Device install status in the Monitor section of the menu. The details table includes the following columns:

Device column Description
Device name The name of the device on platforms that allow naming a device Note: On other platforms, Intune creates a name from other properties. This attribute isn't available to any other device.
User name The name of the user
Platform The operating system of the device (Windows, iOS/iPadOS, Android, and so on)
Version The version number of the app Note: For line-of-business (LOB) apps, the full version number of the app is shown. The full version number identifies a specific release of the app. The number appears as Version(Build). For example, 2.2(2.2.17560800). For standard Store apps, no versions are shown.
Status The status of the app
Status details The details of the status
Last check-in The date of the device's last sync with Intune


Even if the App is targetted to device context and into a device group, the user name will always be reported. You may refer to the corresponded API Call. Additionally, the system context may appear as "No user".

User install status

A user status list is shown when you select User install status in the Monitor section of the menu. The details table includes the following columns:

User column Description
Name The name of the user in Microsoft Entra ID
User name The unique name of the user
Installations The number of apps installed by the user
Failures The number of failed app installations for the user
Not installed The number of apps not installed by the user

App installation error reporting

Additional error details are available for Line of Business (LOB) apps on Android Open Source Project (AOSP) devices. You can view installation error codes for LOB apps in Intune.

LOB apps on AOSP devices

The following table provides addition installation error code details for LOB apps on AOSP devices:

Error code Error string Retry automatically Additional information
0x87D54FB0 Couldn't install the app because the user didn't allow it or accept permissions. Yes Ask the end user to accept any installation request when prompted.
0x87D54FB1 The operating system couldn't install the app. No The Android system failed to install the app.
0x87D54FB2 The operating system blocked installation. Yes A device policy or the Android package verifier may have blocked the operation.
0x87D54FB3 Either the user or the system stopped the installation. Yes The end user may have declined a permission request or is missing permissions. The OS might also block the APK for security reasons. For example, the APK could have been marked as "dangerous" by Google Play Protect.
0x87D54FB4 Couldn't install the app because it's corrupt or not valid. No The Android system detected the APK as being invalid. This error could have occurred for several reasons. For example, the APK isn't signed, or the package manifest is missing or is malformed. Upload a new APK. Check that the APK wasn't corrupted before upload.
0x87D54FB5 Installation failed. No
0x87D54FB6 Couldn't install the app because it conflicts with the version of the app already on the device. Remove the existing app first. Yes The conflict could be for a variety of reasons. For example, the package on the device could have a different signature than the one being installed. If the policy is intended to upgrade an existing application, sign the upgraded version with the same certificate used for the original app. If not, uninstall the existing app before deploying the new one. Or, there could be an existing package that defines a permission that the installing app also defines. In that case, the OS rejects the installation because certain permissions can only be owned by one app. Uninstall the existing application for the policy to succeed.
0x87D54FB7 Install failed. Insufficient storage space on device. Yes Free up space on the device.
0x87D54FB8 Installation failed because this app won't work with the device. No Upload a new APK that is compatible with the device architecture and SDK version running on the device, or upgrade the device.
0x87D54FB9 Installation failed because it took too long. Yes
0x87D54FBA Installation failed because it took too long. No
0x87D54FBB Couldn't uninstall the app. No
0x87D55014 Couldn't download the app. Yes A generic download failure occurred.
0x87D55015 Couldn't download the app because there's not enough room on the device. Yes Free up space on the device.
0x87D55016 Couldn't download the app because the service gave a bad response. Yes
0x87D55017 Couldn't download the app because it was too large. No The admin uploaded an APK that exceeded the allowable download size of 2GB. Upload a smaller APK.
0x87D55018 Couldn't download the app because there was no network connection. Yes The download resumes when the network resumes.
0x87D55019 Couldn't download the app because of a network error. Yes The download failed due to an unspecified network error. The admin may have a firewall restriction, or something else is blocking the network. The admin could temporarily enroll the device using a different Wi-Fi network, which may allow enrollment SCEP certificates to be installed and more secure firewall rules to take effect.
0x87D5501A Couldn't download the app. No Confirm the network connection and sufficient bandwidth. Additionally, confirm nothing is interfering with network traffic.
0x87D5501B Couldn't download the app. Contact Microsoft Intune support and include the error code. No The app couldn't be downloaded. Contact Microsoft Intune support and include the error code.
0x87D5501C Couldn't download the app because the downloaded file couldn't be found. No The downloaded content was corrupted or deleted before it was installed. The downloaded app files were removed before the app could install. Make sure the app is installed immediately after downloading. Ask the end user to accept the installation request when prompted.
0x87D5501D Couldn't download the app because of an input/output error. Yes
0x87D5501E Couldn't download the app because it took too long. Yes If a download takes more than 8 hours, Intune cancels and retries the download.
0x87D5501F The downloaded app couldn't be validated. Yes The hash code of the downloaded content doesn't equal the hash code of the content from the policy. There are multiple reasons this could occur. The OS may not support encryption/decryption. In this case, you should try updating the OS to latest version. Alternatively, an intermittent issue occurred which may have corrupted the download. Lastly, a less likely scenario where this error occurs is due to a machine in the middle (MITM) attack.
0x87D55078 Couldn't download the app because Intune had an error. Yes
0x87D55079 Couldn't download the app because of a network error. Yes A generic HTTP failure occurred.
0x87D5507A Couldn't download the app because it doesn't seem to exist or it isn't assigned to this device. No While the policy was being applied, the policy was removed by the admin.
0x87D5507B Couldn't download the app because Intune had an error. Yes
0x87D5507C Couldn't download the app because Intune had an error. Yes
0x87D5507D Couldn't download the app because Intune had an error. Yes
0x87D550DC The uploaded app is missing the versionCode property. No The versionCode is missing from the uploaded APK. For more information on versionCode, see Android documentation.
0x87D550DD The uploaded app is missing the minSdkVersion value. No Ensure the android:minSdkVersion parameter is specified in the APK manifest.
0x87D550DE The policy is missing the minSdkVersion value. No If the admin creates the policy in the admin portal, there's a requirement that the admin specifies what the minimum SDK version the policy supports. If the admin creates the policy by Graph, this property isn't always required. If this parameter is missing, this exception is thrown.
0x87D550DF Couldn't uninstall this app because there's another policy to install the same app. No If you have two policies that target the same package and version, but one is an install and one is an uninstall, the install is applied and the uninstall is marked as a conflict.
0x87D550E0 Couldn't install this app because there's another policy to install a newer version of the same app. No If there is more than one install policy for the same package but with different versions, the policy with the highest package version takes priority. Remove the conflicting policy.
0x87D550E1 Couldn't find the app on the device. Intune will try to reinstall it. Yes Data indicates that the install policy was previously applied successfully (package was installed), but the package isn't found on the device anymore. The end user shouldn't be able to uninstall any required apps, so this scenario is less likely.
0x87D550E2 Intune will try to uninstall the app. Yes This error may happen if the end user manually reinstalled an app that was supposed to be uninstalled. This error is unlikely to persist.

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