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US Local Area Unemployment Statistics

The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program produces monthly and annual employment, unemployment, and labor force data for Census regions and divisions, States, counties, metropolitan areas, and many cities in the United States.


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This dataset is provided under the original terms that Microsoft received source data. The dataset may include data sourced from Microsoft.

README containing file for detailed information about this dataset is available at original dataset location.

This dataset is sourced from Local Area Unemployment Statistics data published by US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Review Linking and Copyright Information and Important Web Site Notices for the terms and conditions related to the use this dataset.

Storage location

This dataset is stored in the East US Azure region. Allocating compute resources in East US is recommended for affinity.


Name Data type Unique Values (sample) Description
area_code string 8,290 ST3400000000000 RD8200000000000 Code identifying the geographic area. See https://download.bls.gov/pub/time.series/la/la.area.
area_text string 8,238 District of Columbia Oregon Name of the geographic area. See https://download.bls.gov/pub/time.series/la/la.area
area_type_code string 14 F G Unique code defining the type of area. See https://download.bls.gov/pub/time.series/la/la.area_type
areatype_text string 14 Counties and equivalents Cities and towns above 25,000 population Name of the area type.
footnote_codes string 5 nan P
measure_code string 4 5 4 Code identifying element measured. 03: unemployment rate, 04: unemployment, 05: employment, 06: labor force. See https://download.bls.gov/pub/time.series/la/la.measure.
measure_text string 4 employment unemployment Name of element measured. See https://download.bls.gov/pub/time.series/la/la.measure
period string 13 M07 M05 Identifies period, typically the month. See https://download.bls.gov/pub/time.series/la/la.period
seasonal string 2 U S
series_id string 33,476 LASST160000000000006 LASST200000000000006 Code identifying the series. See https://download.bls.gov/pub/time.series/la/la.series for complete list of series.
series_title string 33,268 Employment: Philadelphia County/city, PA (U) Labor Force: Manassas city, VA (U) Title identifying the series. See https://download.bls.gov/pub/time.series/la/la.series for complete list of series.
srd_code string 53 48 23 State, region, or division code.
srd_text string 53 Texas Maine
value float 600,099 4.0 5.0 Value for the specific measure.
year int 44 2009 2008


area_code area_type_code srd_code measure_code series_id year period value footnote_codes seasonal series_title measure_text srd_text areatype_text area_text
CA3653200000000 E 36 3 LAUCA365320000000003 2000 M01 4.7 nan U Unemployment Rate: Syracuse-Auburn, NY Combined Statistical Area (U) unemployment rate New York Combined areas Syracuse-Auburn, NY Combined Statistical Area
CA3653200000000 E 36 3 LAUCA365320000000003 2000 M02 4.7 nan U Unemployment Rate: Syracuse-Auburn, NY Combined Statistical Area (U) unemployment rate New York Combined areas Syracuse-Auburn, NY Combined Statistical Area
CA3653200000000 E 36 3 LAUCA365320000000003 2000 M03 4.2 nan U Unemployment Rate: Syracuse-Auburn, NY Combined Statistical Area (U) unemployment rate New York Combined areas Syracuse-Auburn, NY Combined Statistical Area
CA3653200000000 E 36 3 LAUCA365320000000003 2000 M04 3.6 nan U Unemployment Rate: Syracuse-Auburn, NY Combined Statistical Area (U) unemployment rate New York Combined areas Syracuse-Auburn, NY Combined Statistical Area
CA3653200000000 E 36 3 LAUCA365320000000003 2000 M05 3.6 nan U Unemployment Rate: Syracuse-Auburn, NY Combined Statistical Area (U) unemployment rate New York Combined areas Syracuse-Auburn, NY Combined Statistical Area
CA3653200000000 E 36 3 LAUCA365320000000003 2000 M06 3.6 nan U Unemployment Rate: Syracuse-Auburn, NY Combined Statistical Area (U) unemployment rate New York Combined areas Syracuse-Auburn, NY Combined Statistical Area
CA3653200000000 E 36 3 LAUCA365320000000003 2000 M07 3.6 nan U Unemployment Rate: Syracuse-Auburn, NY Combined Statistical Area (U) unemployment rate New York Combined areas Syracuse-Auburn, NY Combined Statistical Area

Data access

Azure Notebooks

# This is a package in preview.
from azureml.opendatasets import UsLaborLAUS

usLaborLAUS = UsLaborLAUS()
usLaborLAUS_df = usLaborLAUS.to_pandas_dataframe()

Azure Databricks

# This is a package in preview.
from azureml.opendatasets import UsLaborLAUS

usLaborLAUS = UsLaborLAUS()
usLaborLAUS_df = usLaborLAUS.to_spark_dataframe()

Azure Synapse

Sample not available for this platform/package combination.

Next steps

View the rest of the datasets in the Open Datasets catalog.