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Enable application monitoring in Azure App Service for .NET, Node.js, Python, and Java applications

Autoinstrumentation, also referred to as runtime monitoring, is the easiest way to enable Application Insights for Azure App Service without requiring any code changes or advanced configurations. Based on your specific scenario, evaluate whether you require more advanced monitoring through manual instrumentation.


On March 31, 2025, support for instrumentation key ingestion will end. Instrumentation key ingestion will continue to work, but we'll no longer provide updates or support for the feature. Transition to connection strings to take advantage of new capabilities.

Enable Application Insights


If both autoinstrumentation monitoring and manual SDK-based instrumentation are detected, only the manual instrumentation settings are honored. This arrangement prevents duplicate data from being sent. To learn more, see Troubleshooting.


The combination of APPINSIGHTS_JAVASCRIPT_ENABLED and urlCompression isn't supported. For more information, see Troubleshooting.

Autoinstrumentation in the Azure portal

  1. Select Application Insights in the left-hand navigation menu of your app service, then select Enable.

     Screenshot that shows the Application Insights tab with Enable selected.

  2. Create a new resource or select an existing Application Insights resource for this application.


    When you select OK to create a new resource, you're prompted to Apply monitoring settings. Selecting Continue links your new Application Insights resource to your app service. Your app service then restarts.

    Screenshot that shows the Change your resource dropdown.

  3. After you specify which resource to use, you can choose how you want Application Insights to collect data per platform for your application. ASP.NET app monitoring is on by default with two different levels of collection, Recommended and Basic.

    Screenshot that shows the Application Insights site extensions page with Create new resource selected.

    The following table summarizes the data collected for each route.

    Data Recommended Basic
    Adds CPU, memory, and I/O usage trends Yes No
    Collects usage trends, and enables correlation from availability results to transactions Yes Yes
    Collects exceptions unhandled by the host process Yes Yes
    Improves APM metrics accuracy under load, when sampling is used Yes Yes
    Correlates micro-services across request/dependency boundaries Yes No (single-instance APM capabilities only)

Manually upgrade the monitoring extension/agent

Upgrade from versions 2.8.9 and up

Upgrading from version 2.8.9 happens automatically, without any extra actions. The new monitoring bits are delivered in the background to the target app service, and are picked up on application restart.

To check which version of the extension you're running, go to https://yoursitename.scm.azurewebsites.net/ApplicationInsights.

Screenshot that shows the URL path to check the version of the extension you're running.

Upgrade from versions 1.0.0 - 2.6.5

Starting with version 2.8.9, the preinstalled site extension is used. If you're using an earlier version, you can update via one of two ways:

  • Upgrade by enabling via the Azure portal: Even if you have the Application Insights extension for App Service installed, the UI shows only the Enable button. Behind the scenes, the old private site extension is removed.

  • Upgrade through PowerShell:

    1. Set the application settings to enable the preinstalled site extension ApplicationInsightsAgent. For more information, see Enable through PowerShell.
    2. Manually remove the private site extension named Application Insights extension for Azure App Service.

If the upgrade is done from a version before 2.5.1, check that the ApplicationInsights DLLs are removed from the application bin folder. For more information, see Troubleshooting.

Configure the monitoring extension/agent

To configure sampling, which you could previously control via the applicationinsights.config file, you can now interact with it via application settings with the corresponding prefix MicrosoftAppInsights_AdaptiveSamplingTelemetryProcessor.

  • For example, to change the initial sampling percentage, you can create an application setting of MicrosoftAppInsights_AdaptiveSamplingTelemetryProcessor_InitialSamplingPercentage and a value of 100.

  • To disable sampling, set MicrosoftAppInsights_AdaptiveSamplingTelemetryProcessor_MinSamplingPercentage to a value of 100.

  • Supported settings include:

    • MicrosoftAppInsights_AdaptiveSamplingTelemetryProcessor_InitialSamplingPercentage
    • MicrosoftAppInsights_AdaptiveSamplingTelemetryProcessor_MinSamplingPercentage
    • MicrosoftAppInsights_AdaptiveSamplingTelemetryProcessor_EvaluationInterval
    • MicrosoftAppInsights_AdaptiveSamplingTelemetryProcessor_MaxTelemetryItemsPerSecond
  • For the list of supported adaptive sampling telemetry processor settings and definitions, see the code and sampling documentation.

Enable client-side monitoring

Client-side monitoring is an opt-in for ASP.NET. To enable client-side monitoring:

  1. Select Settings > Configuration.

  2. Under Application settings, create a new application setting:

    • Value: Enter true.
  3. Save the settings and restart your app.

To disable client-side monitoring, either remove the associated key value pair from Application settings or set the value to false.

Automate monitoring

In order to enable telemetry collection with Application Insights, only the following Application settings need to be set:

Screenshot that shows App Service application settings with Application Insights settings.

Application settings definitions

App setting name Definition Value
ApplicationInsightsAgent_EXTENSION_VERSION Main extension, which controls runtime monitoring. ~2
XDT_MicrosoftApplicationInsights_Mode In default mode, only essential features are enabled to ensure optimal performance. default or recommended
InstrumentationEngine_EXTENSION_VERSION Controls if the binary-rewrite engine InstrumentationEngine are turned on. This setting has performance implications and affects cold start/startup time. ~1
XDT_MicrosoftApplicationInsights_BaseExtensions Controls if SQL and Azure table text are captured along with the dependency calls. Performance warning: Application cold startup time is affected. This setting requires the InstrumentationEngine. ~1

App Service application settings with Azure Resource Manager

Application settings for Azure App Service can be managed and configured with Azure Resource Manager templates. You can use this method when you deploy new App Service resources with Resource Manager automation or modify the settings of existing resources.

The basic structure of the application settings JSON for an App Service resource:

      "resources": [
          "name": "appsettings",
          "type": "config",
          "apiVersion": "2015-08-01",
          "dependsOn": [
            "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites', variables('webSiteName'))]"
          "tags": {
            "displayName": "Application Insights Settings"
          "properties": {
            "key1": "value1",
            "key2": "value2"

To create a Resource Manager template with the default Application Insights settings, begin the process as if you were going to create a new web app with Application Insights enabled.

  1. Create a new App Service resource with your desired web app information. Enable Application Insights on the Monitoring tab.

  2. Select Review + create. Then select Download a template for automation.

    Screenshot that shows the App Service web app creation menu.

    This option generates the latest Resource Manager template with all required settings configured.

    Screenshot that shows an App Service web app template.

In the following sample, replace all instances of AppMonitoredSite with your site name:


If using Windows, set ApplicationInsightsAgent_EXTENSION_VERSION to ~2. If using Linux, set ApplicationInsightsAgent_EXTENSION_VERSION to ~3.

    "resources": [
            "name": "[parameters('name')]",
            "type": "Microsoft.Web/sites",
            "properties": {
                "siteConfig": {
                    "appSettings": [
                            "name": "APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY",
                            "value": "[reference('microsoft.insights/components/AppMonitoredSite', '2015-05-01').InstrumentationKey]"
                            "name": "APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING",
                            "value": "[reference('microsoft.insights/components/AppMonitoredSite', '2015-05-01').ConnectionString]"
                            "name": "ApplicationInsightsAgent_EXTENSION_VERSION",
                            "value": "~2"
                "name": "[parameters('name')]",
                "serverFarmId": "[concat('/subscriptions/', parameters('subscriptionId'),'/resourcegroups/', parameters('serverFarmResourceGroup'), '/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/', parameters('hostingPlanName'))]",
                "hostingEnvironment": "[parameters('hostingEnvironment')]"
            "dependsOn": [
                "[concat('Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/', parameters('hostingPlanName'))]",
            "apiVersion": "2016-03-01",
            "location": "[parameters('location')]"
            "apiVersion": "2016-09-01",
            "name": "[parameters('hostingPlanName')]",
            "type": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms",
            "location": "[parameters('location')]",
            "properties": {
                "name": "[parameters('hostingPlanName')]",
                "workerSizeId": "[parameters('workerSize')]",
                "numberOfWorkers": "1",
                "hostingEnvironment": "[parameters('hostingEnvironment')]"
            "sku": {
                "Tier": "[parameters('sku')]",
                "Name": "[parameters('skuCode')]"
            "apiVersion": "2015-05-01",
            "name": "AppMonitoredSite",
            "type": "microsoft.insights/components",
            "location": "West US 2",
            "properties": {
                "ApplicationId": "[parameters('name')]",
                "Request_Source": "IbizaWebAppExtensionCreate"
    "parameters": {
        "name": {
            "type": "string"
        "hostingPlanName": {
            "type": "string"
        "hostingEnvironment": {
            "type": "string"
        "location": {
            "type": "string"
        "sku": {
            "type": "string"
        "skuCode": {
            "type": "string"
        "workerSize": {
            "type": "string"
        "serverFarmResourceGroup": {
            "type": "string"
        "subscriptionId": {
            "type": "string"
    "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2014-04-01-preview/deploymentTemplate.json#",
    "contentVersion": ""

Enable through PowerShell

To enable the application monitoring through PowerShell, only the underlying application settings must be changed. The following sample enables application monitoring for a website called AppMonitoredSite in the resource group AppMonitoredRG. It configures data to be sent to the 012345678-abcd-ef01-2345-6789abcd instrumentation key.


We recommend that you use the Azure Az PowerShell module to interact with Azure. To get started, see Install Azure PowerShell. To learn how to migrate to the Az PowerShell module, see Migrate Azure PowerShell from AzureRM to Az.


If using Windows, set ApplicationInsightsAgent_EXTENSION_VERSION to ~2. If using Linux, set ApplicationInsightsAgent_EXTENSION_VERSION to ~3.

$app = Get-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName "AppMonitoredRG" -Name "AppMonitoredSite" -ErrorAction Stop
$newAppSettings = @{} # case-insensitive hash map
$app.SiteConfig.AppSettings | %{$newAppSettings[$_.Name] = $_.Value} # preserve non Application Insights application settings.
$newAppSettings["APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY"] = "012345678-abcd-ef01-2345-6789abcd"; # set the Application Insights instrumentation key
$newAppSettings["APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING"] = "InstrumentationKey=012345678-abcd-ef01-2345-6789abcd"; # set the Application Insights connection string
$newAppSettings["ApplicationInsightsAgent_EXTENSION_VERSION"] = "~2"; # enable the ApplicationInsightsAgent
$app = Set-AzWebApp -AppSettings $newAppSettings -ResourceGroupName $app.ResourceGroup -Name $app.Name -ErrorAction Stop

Frequently asked questions

This section provides answers to common questions.

What does Application Insights modify in my project?

The details depend on the type of project. The following list is an example for a web application.

  • Adds files to your project:

    • ApplicationInsights.config
    • ai.js
  • Installs NuGet packages:

    • Application Insights API: The core API
    • Application Insights API for Web Applications: Used to send telemetry from the server
    • Application Insights API for JavaScript Applications: Used to send telemetry from the client
  • Includes assemblies in packages:

    • Microsoft.ApplicationInsights
    • Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Platform
  • Inserts items into:

    • Web.config
    • packages.config
  • Inserts snippets into the client and server code to initialize them with the Application Insights resource ID. For example, in an MVC app, code is inserted into the main page Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml. For new projects only, you add Application Insights to an existing project manually.

What's the difference between standard metrics from Application Insights vs. Azure App Service metrics?

Application Insights collects telemetry for the requests that made it to the application. If the failure occurs in WebApps/WebServer, and the request didn't reach the user application, Application Insights doesn't have any telemetry about it.

The duration for serverresponsetime calculated by Application Insights doesn't necessarily match the server response time observed by Web Apps. This behavior is because Application Insights only counts the duration when the request actually reaches the user application. If the request is stuck or queued in WebServer, the waiting time is included in the Web Apps metrics but not in Application Insights metrics.


Test connectivity between your application host and the ingestion service

Application Insights SDKs and agents send telemetry to get ingested as REST calls to our ingestion endpoints. You can test connectivity from your web server or application host machine to the ingestion service endpoints by using raw REST clients from PowerShell or curl commands. See Troubleshoot missing application telemetry in Azure Monitor Application Insights.


When you create a web app with the ASP.NET runtimes in App Service, it deploys a single static HTML page as a starter website. We do not recommend that you troubleshoot an issue with a default template. Deploy an application before you troubleshoot an issue.

Missing telemetry

  1. Check that the ApplicationInsightsAgent_EXTENSION_VERSION app setting is set to a value of ~2.

  2. Browse to https://yoursitename.scm.azurewebsites.net/ApplicationInsights.

    Screenshot that shows the preceding link's results page.

    • Confirm that Application Insights Extension Status is Pre-Installed Site Extension, version 2.8.x.xxxx and is running.

      If it isn't running, follow the instructions to enable Application Insights monitoring.

    • Confirm that the status source exists and looks like Status source D:\home\LogFiles\ApplicationInsights\status\status_RD0003FF0317B6_4248_1.json.

      If a similar value isn't present, it means the application isn't currently running or isn't supported. To ensure that the application is running, try manually visiting the application URL/application endpoints, which allows the runtime information to become available.

    • Confirm that IKeyExists is true. If not, add APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY and APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING with your instrumentation key GUID to your application settings.

    • Confirm that there are no entries for AppAlreadyInstrumented, AppContainsDiagnosticSourceAssembly, and AppContainsAspNetTelemetryCorrelationAssembly.

      If any of these entries exist, remove the following packages from your application: Microsoft.ApplicationInsights, System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource, and Microsoft.AspNet.TelemetryCorrelation.

Default website deployed with web apps doesn't support automatic client-side monitoring

When you create a web app with the ASP.NET runtimes in App Service, it deploys a single static HTML page as a starter website. The static webpage also loads an ASP.NET-managed web part in IIS. This page allows for testing codeless server-side monitoring but doesn't support automatic client-side monitoring.

If you want to test out codeless server and client-side monitoring for ASP.NET in an App Service web app, we recommend following the official guides for creating an ASP.NET Framework web app. Afterwards, use the instructions in the current article to enable monitoring.

APPINSIGHTS_JAVASCRIPT_ENABLED and urlCompression not supported

If you use APPINSIGHTS_JAVASCRIPT_ENABLED=true in cases where content is encoded, you might get errors like:

  • 500 URL rewrite error.
  • 500.53 URL rewrite module error with the message "Outbound rewrite rules can't be applied when the content of the HTTP response is encoded ('gzip')."

An error occurs because the APPINSIGHTS_JAVASCRIPT_ENABLED application setting is set to true and content encoding is present at the same time. This scenario isn't supported yet. The workaround is to remove APPINSIGHTS_JAVASCRIPT_ENABLED from your application settings. Unfortunately, if client/browser-side JavaScript instrumentation is still required, manual SDK references are needed for your webpages. Follow the instructions for manual instrumentation with the JavaScript SDK.

For the latest information on the Application Insights agent/extension, see the release notes.

PHP and WordPress aren't supported

PHP and WordPress sites aren't supported. There's currently no officially supported SDK/agent for server-side monitoring of these workloads. To track client-side transactions on a PHP or WordPress site, add the client-side JavaScript to your webpages using the JavaScript SDK.

The following table provides an explanation of what these values mean, their underlying causes, and recommended fixes.

Problem value Explanation Fix
AppAlreadyInstrumented:true This value indicates that the extension detected some aspect of the SDK already present in the application and backs off. A reference to System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource, Microsoft.AspNet.TelemetryCorrelation, or Microsoft.ApplicationInsights can cause this value. Remove the references. Some of these references are added by default from certain Visual Studio templates. Older versions of Visual Studio might add references to Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.
AppAlreadyInstrumented:true The presence of the preceding DLLs in the app folder from a previous deployment can also cause this value. Clean the app folder to ensure that these DLLs are removed. Check both your local app's bin directory and the wwwroot directory on the App Service resource. To check the wwwroot directory of your App Service web app, select Advanced Tools (Kudu) > Debug console > CMD > home\site\wwwroot.
AppContainsAspNetTelemetryCorrelationAssembly: true This value indicates that the extension detected references to Microsoft.AspNet.TelemetryCorrelation in the application and backs off. Remove the reference.
AppContainsDiagnosticSourceAssembly**:true This value indicates that the extension detected references to System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource in the application and backs off. For ASP.NET, remove the reference.
IKeyExists:false This value indicates that the instrumentation key isn't present in the app setting APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY. Possible causes might be that the values were accidentally removed, or you forgot to set the values in the automation script. Make sure the setting is present in the App Service application settings.

System.IO.FileNotFoundException after 2.8.44 upgrade

The 2.8.44 version of autoinstrumentation upgrades Application Insights SDK to 2.20.0. The Application Insights SDK has an indirect reference to System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll through System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll. If the application has binding redirect for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll and if this library isn't present in the application folder, it might throw System.IO.FileNotFoundException.

To resolve this issue, remove the binding redirect entry for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll from the web.config file. If the application wanted to use System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll, set the binding redirect as shown here:

    <assemblyIdentity name="System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

As a temporary workaround, you could set the app setting ApplicationInsightsAgent_EXTENSION_VERSION to a value of 2.8.37. This setting triggers App Service to use the old Application Insights extension. Temporary mitigations should only be used as an interim.