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Basic Cobranding Template

Basic Cobranding Template

A cobranding template is a file served by your site and is included into any Microsoft® .NET Passport page that supports cobranding. This file provides new values for several predefined JavaScript variables used on .NET Passport server pages. The following example template assigns values to the cobranding variables used by the .NET Passport Sign-in and Registration pages.

// file cobrand.js
CBSigninTxt1="This is the small text area in the center of the Sign-in page.";
CBSigninTxt2="This is the resizable column on the right side.";
CBRegTxt1="Use this text to explain why people should use a .NET Passport on your site.";
CBRegTxt2="Congratulate the new .NET Passport user, and tell the user what to do next.";

See Also

.NET Passport Cobranding Overview | Cobranding Tips and Guidelines | Cobranding Login Pages | Cobranding Registration Pages | Kids Passport Cobranding