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Application Control


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The latest version of this topic can be found at Application Control.

OLE requires substantial control over applications and their objects. The OLE system DLLs must be able to launch and release applications automatically, coordinate their production and modification of objects, and so on. The functions in this topic meet those requirements. In addition to being called by the OLE system DLLs, these functions must sometimes be called by applications as well.

Application Control

AfxOleCanExitApp Indicates whether the application can terminate.
AfxOleGetMessageFilter Retrieves the application's current message filter.
AfxOleGetUserCtrl Retrieves the current user-control flag.
AfxOleSetUserCtrl Sets or clears the user-control flag.
AfxOleLockApp Increments the framework's global count of the number of active objects in an application.
AfxOleUnlockApp Decrements the framework's count of the number of active objects in an application.
AfxOleRegisterServerClass Registers a server in the OLE system registry.
AfxOleSetEditMenu Implements the user interface for the typename Object command.


Indicates whether the application can terminate.

BOOL AFXAPI AfxOleCanExitApp(); 

Return Value

Nonzero if the application can exit; otherwise 0.


An application should not terminate if there are outstanding references to its objects. The global functions AfxOleLockApp and AfxOleUnlockApp increment and decrement, respectively, a counter of references to the application's objects. The application should not terminate when this counter is nonzero. If the counter is nonzero, the application's main window is hidden (not destroyed) when the user chooses Close from the system menu or Exit from the File menu. The framework calls this function in CFrameWnd::OnClose.


// Helper exit function for automation server
BOOL CMainFrame::CanExit()
   if (AfxOleCanExitApp())
      // No outstanding object counts - go ahead and exit
      return TRUE;
      // There are outstanding OLE object counts...
      // hide app to give user impression that application has exited.
      // take user out of control of the app
      return FALSE;


Retrieves the application's current message filter.

COleMessageFilter* AFXAPI AfxOleGetMessageFilter(); 

Return Value

A pointer to the current message filter.


Call this function to access the current COleMessageFilter-derived object, just as you would call AfxGetApp to access the current application object.


   COleMessageFilter* pFilter = AfxOleGetMessageFilter();
   // do things requiring a busy state
// Another example
//CWinApp-derived class
BOOL CCMFCAutomationApp::InitInstance()

    // Initialize OLE libraries
    if (!AfxOleInit())
        return FALSE;

   CWinThread* pThread = AfxGetThread();
   if (pThread != NULL)
      // Destroy message filter, thereby unregistering it.
      delete pThread->m_pMessageFilter;
      pThread->m_pMessageFilter = NULL;

      // Create the new message filter object.
      //CMyMessageFilter is derived from COleMessageFilter
      pThread->m_pMessageFilter = new CMyMessageFilter;
      ASSERT(AfxOleGetMessageFilter() != NULL);

      // Register the new message filter object.


Retrieves the current user-control flag.

BOOL AFXAPI AfxOleGetUserCtrl(); 

Return Value

Nonzero if the user is in control of the application; otherwise 0.


The user is in control of the application when the user has explicitly opened or created a new document. The user is also in control if the application was not launched by the OLE system DLLs — in other words, if the user launched the application with the system shell.


Sets or clears the user-control flag, which is explained in the reference for AfxOleGetUserCtrl.

void AFXAPI AfxOleSetUserCtrl(BOOL bUserCtrl); 


Specifies whether the user-control flag is to be set or cleared.


The framework calls this function when the user creates or loads a document, but not when a document is loaded or created through an indirect action such as loading an embedded object from a container application.

Call this function if other actions in your application should put the user in control of the application.


Increments the framework's global count of the number of active objects in the application.

void AFXAPI AfxOleLockApp(); 


The framework keeps a count of the number of objects active in an application. The AfxOleLockApp and AfxOleUnlockApp functions, respectively, increment and decrement this count.

When the user attempts to close an application that has active objects — an application for which the count of active objects is nonzero — the framework hides the application from the user's view instead of completely shutting it down. The AfxOleCanExitApp function indicates whether the application can terminate.

Call AfxOleLockApp from any object that exposes OLE interfaces, if it would be undesirable for that object to be destroyed while still being used by a client application. Also call AfxOleUnlockApp in the destructor of any object that calls AfxOleLockApp in the constructor. By default, COleDocument (and derived classes) automatically lock and unlock the application.


// Below is a code sample from an  Application Wizard-generated SDI 
// Application with Automation support. The Application Wizard adds a 
// dispatch interface to the document class. AfxOleLockApp() and
// AfxOleUnlockApp() respectively increment and decrement the 
// application's object count. When the object count is equal to 
// zero and if the user has not taken control of the application,
// the server is terminated.




Decrements the framework's count of active objects in the application.

void AFXAPI AfxOleUnlockApp(); 


See AfxOleLockApp for further information.

When the number of active objects reaches zero, AfxOleOnReleaseAllObjects is called.


See the example for AfxOleLockApp.


This function allows you to register your server in the OLE system registry.

BOOL AFXAPI AfxOleRegisterServerClass(
    REFCLSID clsid,  
    LPCTSTR lpszClassName,  
    LPCTSTR lpszShortTypeName,  
    LPCTSTR lpszLongTypeName,  
    LPCTSTR* rglpszRegister = NULL,  
    LPCTSTR* rglpszOverwrite = NULL); 


Reference to the server's OLE class ID.

Pointer to a string containing the class name of the server's objects.

Pointer to a string containing the short name of the server's object type, such as "Chart."

Pointer to a string containing the long name of the server's object type, such as "Microsoft Excel 5.0 Chart."

A value, taken from the OLE_APPTYPE enumeration, specifying the type of OLE application. Possible values are the following:

  • OAT_INPLACE_SERVER Server has full server user-interface.

  • OAT_SERVER Server supports only embedding.

  • OAT_CONTAINER Container supports links to embeddings.

  • OAT_DISPATCH_OBJECT IDispatch-capable object.

Array of pointers to strings representing the keys and values to be added to the OLE system registry if no existing values for the keys are found.

Array of pointers to strings representing the keys and values to be added to the OLE system registry if the registry contains existing values for the given keys.

Return Value

Nonzero if the server class is successfully registered; otherwise 0.


Most applications can use COleTemplateServer::Register to register the application's document types. If your application's system-registry format does not fit the typical pattern, you can use AfxOleRegisterServerClass for more control.

The registry consists of a set of keys and values. The rglpszRegister and rglpszOverwrite arguments are arrays of pointers to strings, each consisting of a key and a value separated by a NULL character ( '\0'). Each of these strings can have replaceable parameters whose places are marked by the character sequences %1 through %5.

The symbols are filled in as follows:

Symbol Value
%1 Class ID, formatted as a string
%2 Class name
%3 Path to executable file
%4 Short type name
%5 Long type name


Implements the user interface for the typename Object command.

void AFXAPI AfxOleSetEditMenu(
    COleClientItem* pClient,  
    CMenu* pMenu,  
    UINT iMenuItem,  
    UINT nIDVerbMin,  
    UINT nIDVerbMax = 0,  
    UINT nIDConvert = 0); 


A pointer to the client OLE item.

A pointer to the menu object to be updated.

The index of the menu item to be updated.

The command ID that corresponds to the primary verb.

The command ID that corresponds to the last verb.

ID for the Convert menu item.


If the server recognizes only a primary verb, the menu item becomes "verb typename Object" and the nIDVerbMin command is sent when the user chooses the command. If the server recognizes several verbs, then the menu item becomes " typename Object" and a submenu listing all the verbs appears when the user chooses the command. When the user chooses a verb from the submenu, nIDVerbMin is sent if the first verb is chosen, nIDVerbMin + 1 is sent if the second verb is chosen, and so forth. The default COleDocument implementation automatically handles this feature.

You must have the following statement in your client's application resource script (.RC) file:

#include <afxolecl.rc>

See Also

Macros and Globals