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simpleLocation Element (Search Connector Schema)

[This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

The <simpleLocation> element specifies the location for file system- and protocol handler-based search connectors. This element has two child elements and no attributes.


<!-- simpleLocation -->
    <xs:complexType name="searchConnectorDescriptionType">
            <xs:element name="simpleLocation" type="shellLinkType" minOccurs="0">
                    <xs:element name="url" type="xs:anyURI"/>
                    <xs:element name="serialized" minOccurs="0"/>
        <xs:attribute name="publisher" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:attribute name="product" type="xs:string"/>

Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
searchConnectorDescriptionType Element (Search Connector Schema) url Element (Search Connector Schema)
  serialized: This element contains the base64-encoded ShellLink pointing to the location defined in the <url> element. Windows 7 creates the ShellLink from the value of the <url> element and properly updates this field on the first load of this library, so it should be left empty by the author.


This element can be used instead of <locationProvider> when the location is on the file system or the connector is a known protocol handler (like mapi:). If <simpleLocation> is present, there MUST NOT be a <locationProvider> element. For web service provider search connectors, use the <locationProvider> element instead.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<searchConnectorDescription xmlns="">