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property Element (Search Connector Schema)

[This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

The optional <property> element specifies a property used by the search connector. These properties are specific to this search connector, so there is no predefined set of names to use. This element has no child elements.


<!-- property for propertyStore element -->
    <xs:element name="propertyBag" type="propertyStoreType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:element name="property" minOccurs="0" maxOccurrs="unbounded">
                    <xs:extension base="xs:anyType">
                        <xs:attribute name="name" type="canonical-name" use="required"/>
                        <xs:attribute name="type"/>

Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
propertyStore Element (Search Connector Schema)  


Attribute Description Values
name Public. Required. The display name of the property.  
type Public. Required. The type of property. Any: Default. The value will not be coerced by the property subsystem. VT_NULL will be returned by GetPropertyType.
Null: There is no value for this property. VT_NULL will be returned by GetPropertyType.
String: The value must be a VT_LPWSTR.
Boolean: The value must be a VT_BOOL.
Byte: The value must be a VT_UI1.
Buffer: The value must be a VT_UI1 | VT_VECTOR buffer of bytes.
Int16: The value must be a VT_I2.
UInt16: The value must be a VT_UI2.
Int32: The value must be a VT_I4.
UInt32: The value must be a VT_UI4.
Int64: The value must be a VT_I8.
UInt64: The value must be a VT_UI8.
Double: The value must be a VT_R8.
DateTime: The value must be a VT_FILETIME.
Guid: The value must be a VT_CLSID.
Blob: The value must be a VT_BLOB.
Object: The value must be a VT_UNKNOWN.
Stream: The value must be a VT_STREAM.
Clipboard: The value must be a VT_CF.
schema Public. Optional. The schema where the property is defined.  


OpenSearch search connectors can use the OpenSearchHTMLRolloverTemplate property. This property identifies a template that is formatted following the OpenSearch template convention. The OpenSearchHTMLRolloverTemplate template is used when the user clicks on the "Search on website" button in the command bar.


The following sample shows a <propertyStore> element with two <property> elements.

    <property name="OpenSearchHTMLRolloverTemplate">{searchTerms}</property>
    <property name="isExternal" type="boolean">true</property>