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property Element (Search Connector Schema)

[This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

The optional <property> element specifies the properties used by the location provider. These properties are specific to this location provider, so there is no predefined set of names to use. The <property> element has two attributes, as described in this topic.


<!-- property element -->
    <xs:element name="propertyBag" type="propertyStoreType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:element name="property" minOccurs="0" maxOccurrs="unbounded"/>
                    <xs:extension base="xs:anyType">
                        <xs:attribute name="name" type="canonical-name" use="required"/>
                        <xs:attribute name="type"/>

<propertyBag> Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
locationProvider Element (Search Connector Schema) property, described in this topic.

<property> Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
property Element (Search Connector Schema)  

<property> Attributes

Attribute Description Values
name Required. The display name of the property.  
type Required. The type of property. Any: Default. The value will not be coerced by the property subsystem. VT_NULL will be returned by GetPropertyType.
Null: There is no value for this property. VT_NULL will be returned by GetPropertyType.
String: The value must be a VT_LPWSTR.
Boolean: The value must be a VT_BOOL.
Byte: The value must be a VT_UI1.
Buffer: The value must be a VT_UI1 | VT_VECTOR buffer of bytes.
Int16: The value must be a VT_I2.
UInt16: The value must be a VT_UI2.
Int32: The value must be a VT_I4.
UInt32: The value must be a VT_UI4.
Int64: The value must be a VT_I8.
UInt64: The value must be a VT_UI8.
Double: The value must be a VT_R8.
DateTime: The value must be a VT_FILETIME.
Guid: The value must be a VT_CLSID.
Blob: The value must be a VT_BLOB.
Object: The value must be a VT_UNKNOWN.
Stream: The value must be a VT_STREAM.
Clipboard: The value must be a VT_CF.


For the OpenSearch provider, the following properties are used:

  • OpenSearchShortName: Short name of the search service
  • OpenSearchQueryTemplate: Template, formatted following the OpenSearch template convention, for the query service
  • MaximumResultCount: (number) Maximum number of results returned by the search service
  • LinkIsFilePath: (Boolean) If true, the provider tries to interpret returned items as files, using their extension to create the proper ShellItem in the view. If false, items are treated as URL shortcuts.

Example of a propertyBag Element and property Elements

<locationProvider clsid="{48E277F6-4E74-4cd6-BA6F-FA4F42898223}">
        <property name="OpenSearchShortName">MSDN</property>
        <property name="OpenSearchQueryTemplate">{searchTerms}&format=RSS&StartIndex={startIndex}</property>
        <property name="MaximumResultCount" type="uint32">100</property>