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Sample Makefile for PCH


The latest version of this topic can be found at Sample Makefile for PCH.

The following makefile uses macros and an !IF, !ELSE, !ENDIF flow-of-control command structure to simplify its adaptation to your project.

# Makefile : Illustrates the effective use of precompiled  
#            headers in a project  
# Usage:     NMAKE option  
# option:    DEBUG=[0|1]  
#            (DEBUG not defined is equivalent to DEBUG=0)  
OBJS = myapp.obj applib.obj  
# List all stable header files in the STABLEHDRS macro.  
STABLEHDRS = stable.h another.h  
# List the final header file to be precompiled here:  
BOUNDRY = stable.h  
# List header files under development here:  
UNSTABLEHDRS = unstable.h  
# List all compiler options common to both debug and final  
# versions of your code here:  
CLFLAGS = /c /W3  
# List all linker options common to both debug and final  
# versions of your code here:  
!IF "$(DEBUG)" == "1"  
CLFLAGS   = /D_DEBUG $(CLFLAGS) /Od /Zi /f  
LIBS      = slibce  
CLFLAGS   = $(CLFLAGS) /Oselg /Gs  
LIBS      = slibce  
myapp.exe: $(OBJS)  
    link $(LINKFLAGS) @<<  
$(OBJS), myapp, NUL, $(LIBS), NUL;  
# Compile myapp  
myapp.obj  : myapp.cpp $(UNSTABLEHDRS)  stable.pch  
    $(CPP) $(CLFLAGS) /Yu$(BOUNDRY)    myapp.cpp  
# Compile applib  
applib.obj : applib.cpp $(UNSTABLEHDRS) stable.pch  
    $(CPP) $(CLFLAGS) /Yu$(BOUNDRY)    applib.cpp  
# Compile headers  
stable.pch : $(STABLEHDRS)  
    $(CPP) $(CLFLAGS) /Yc$(BOUNDRY)    applib.cpp myapp.cpp  

Aside from the STABLEHDRS, BOUNDRY, and UNSTABLEHDRS macros shown in the figure "Structure of a Makefile That Uses a Precompiled Header File" in PCH Files in the Build Process, this makefile provides a CLFLAGS macro and a LINKFLAGS macro. You must use these macros to list compiler and linker options that apply whether you build a debug or final version of the application's executable file. There is also a LIBS macro where you list the libraries your project requires.

The makefile also uses !IF, !ELSE, !ENDIF to detect whether you define a DEBUG symbol on the NMAKE command line:


This feature makes it possible for you to use the same makefile during development and for the final versions of your program — use DEBUG=0 for the final versions. The following command lines are equivalent:


For more information on makefiles, see NMAKE Reference. Also see Compiler Options and the Linker Options.

See Also

Using Precompiled Headers in a Project