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RMGetLicense Object

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RMGetLicense Object

The RMGetLicense object enables client-side license acquisition (nonsilent license delivery) and can be implemented in a variety of user interfaces that enable consumers to make requests for a license. This object is also used for predelivering licenses from client-side code running in a Web browser. This object is included with the Windows Media Format SDK runtime on the client, and is not actually part of the Windows Media Rights Manager SDK.

The RMGetLicense object exposes the following methods.

Method Description
GetAsyncCallStatus Retrieves the status of the last call to the GetLicenseFromURLAsync method.
GetDRMSecurityVersion Returns the individualization version of the consumer's player.
GetDRMVersion Returns the DRM version of the consumer's player application.
GetLicenseFromURL Sends a license request and retrieves a license.
GetLicenseFromURLAsync Creates a separate thread to send a license request and retrieve a license.
GetSystemInfo Retrieves the Windows Media Rights Manager system information from the consumer's computer.
StoreLicense Stores a license on the consumer's computer.

See Also

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