callbackregistration EntityType
Callback Registration that stores configuration.
- Entity set path:
- [organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/callbackregistrations
- Base type:
- crmbaseentity
- Display name:
- Callback Registration
- Primary key:
- callbackregistrationid
- Primary name column:
- name
- Operations supported:
Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity. Some properties are read-only.
Name | Type | Details | ||||||||||||||||
callbackregistrationid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier of the callback registration. |
createdon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Date and time when the callback registration was created. Display name: Created On Read only
entityname | Edm.String |
Entity Name. Display name: Entity Name |
filterexpression | Edm.String |
condition represented with OData $filter syntax Display name: Filter Expression |
filteringattributes | Edm.String |
Comma-separated list of attributes. If at least one of these attributes is modified, the callback url should be called. Display name: Filtering Attributes |
harddelete | Edm.Boolean |
For internal use only. Holds hard delete information. Display name: Hard Delete
Default options
logicappsversion | Edm.String |
For internal use only. Holds version of logic apps trigger. Display name: Logic Apps Version |
message | Edm.Int32 |
Specifies the message type Display name: Specifies the message type
Default options
modifiedon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Date and time when the callback registration was last modified. Display name: Modified On Read only
name | Edm.String |
Name of callback registration. Display name: Name |
postponeuntil | Edm.String |
delay represented with OData expression Display name: Postpone Until |
runas | Edm.Int32 |
Specifies the user context under which the callback will run Display name: RunAs
Default options
runtimeintegrationproperties | Edm.String |
For internal use only. Holds miscellaneous properties related to runtime integration. Display name: Runtime Integration Properties |
scope | Edm.Int32 |
Specifies the Scope Display name: Specifies the scope type
Default options
sdkmessagename | Edm.String |
Name of the SDK message the subscriber is interested in Display name: SDK Message Name |
softdeletestatus | Edm.Int32 |
For internal use only. Holds soft delete information. Display name: Soft Delete Status |
url | Edm.String |
Full callback registration Url. Display name: Url Address |
version | Edm.Int32 |
Specifies the Callback registration version type Display name: Specifies the Callback registration version type
Default options
versionnumber | Edm.Int64 |
Version number of the callbackregistration. Display name: Version Number Read only
Lookup properties are read-only, computed properties which contain entity primary key Edm.Guid data for one or more corresponding single-valued navigation properties. More information: Lookup properties and Lookup property data.
Name | Single-valued navigation property | Description |
_createdby_value | callbackregistration_createdby |
Shows who created the record. |
_createdonbehalfby_value | callbackregistration_createdonbehalfby |
Shows who created the record on behalf of another user. |
_modifiedby_value | callbackregistration_modifiedby |
Shows who last updated the record. |
_modifiedonbehalfby_value | callbackregistration_modifiedonbehalfby |
Shows who last updated the record on behalf of another user. |
_ownerid_value | ownerid |
Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the callback registration. |
_owningbusinessunit_value | owningbusinessunit |
Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the callback registration. |
Single-valued navigation properties represent lookup fields where a single entity can be referenced. Each single-valued navigation property has a corresponding partner collection-valued navigation property on the related entity.
Name | Type | Partner |
callbackregistration_createdby | systemuser | systemuser_callbackregistration_createdby |
callbackregistration_createdonbehalfby | systemuser | systemuser_callbackregistration_createdonbehalfby |
callbackregistration_modifiedby | systemuser | systemuser_callbackregistration_modifiedby |
callbackregistration_modifiedonbehalfby | systemuser | systemuser_callbackregistration_modifiedonbehalfby |
ownerid | principal | owner_callbackregistration |
owningbusinessunit | businessunit | businessunit_callbackregistration |