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What's new in Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit


Fundraising and Engagement is being retired. Support for Fundraising and Engagement will end at 11:59 PM Pacific Time on December 31, 2026. For more information, go to What’s new in Fundraising and Engagement.

Find out what's new or changed in Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit.

August 2024

Template apps built on Power Apps

Description Documentation
Fundraising template app now available Unify constituent and fundraising data
Grant Management template app now available Unify grant and constituent data
Outcome Management template app now available Unify program and impact data
Common Data Model for Nonprofits available in Solution Center Common Data Model for Nonprofits

December 2023

Volunteer Management

Description How it worked before How it works now
Create new volunteer User received an error when trying to create a new volunteer in Volunteer Management when there was an unconfigured Fundraising and Engagement instance in the same environment. The configuration state of the Fundraising and Engagement instance in the same environment doesn't affect the functionality of Volunteer Management.

Volunteer Engagement

The December 2023 release of Volunteer Engagement includes French language availability for Volunteer Engagement users. Review the deployment and configuration documentation below for more information.

This release also includes the following update.

Description How it worked before How it works now
Engagement opportunity – short description When the short description field contained enter or return characters, users received an error. Volunteer Engagement now handles the input so users don't receive an error when they use these characters.

March 2023

Volunteer Management

Item How it worked before How it works now
Engagement opportunity message settings Volunteer Management didn't create or send emails that followed the rules configured in message settings. We updated the solution to create email activities and send emails as expected based on the rules created in the message settings of the engagement opportunity. This update allows users to effectively communicate with volunteers and streamline volunteer management processes. For more information, go to Send emails from Volunteer Management.

Volunteer Engagement

The March 2023 release of Volunteer Engagement includes specific code signing updates to ensure the authenticity and integrity of Microsoft software to our customers and partners.

September 2022

Volunteer Management

The September 2022 release of Volunteer Management provides the following new features and enhancements:

Volunteer Engagement

The September 2022 release of Volunteer Engagement includes important updates. For instructions on updating Volunteer Engagement, go to Deploy and configure Volunteer Engagement.


We highly recommend that nonprofit organizations and partners upgrade to Volunteer Engagement solution version to take advantage of the latest features and improvements. To ensure a successful update, follow the instructions in Deploy and configure Volunteer Engagement.

May 2022

Volunteer Management

The May 2022 release of Volunteer Management includes specific entitlement updates due to changes in Microsoft Cloud Solution Center.

April 2022

Volunteer Management

The April 2022 release of Volunteer Management provides the following improvements:

Item How it worked before How it works now
Canceled/deactivated shifts and related participations Participations remained active even when the related shift was canceled or deactivated on the engagement opportunity. We added logic to the following sections to keep shifts and participation status aligned:
  • When a shift is canceled, all related participations under it are canceled automatically.
  • When a shift is deactivated, all related participations under it are canceled automatically.
  • When an engagement opportunity is updated from having shifts to not having shifts via the Shifts toggle and is saved, all active shifts are canceled together with the related active participations under it.
Shift date validation
  • It was possible to set shifts outside of the dates of the engagement opportunity.
  • The start date of the first shift of the engagement opportunity defaulted to 12:00 AM.
  • We updated the engagement opportunity’s start date format from "Date only" to "Date and time" in the background. The time is always set to 12:00 AM.
  • We updated the engagement opportunity’s end date format from "Date only" to "Date and time" in the background. The time is always set to 12:00 PM.
  • We updated the Multiple days toggle to be more aligned with the calendar. Now when the calendar is updated to cover multiple days, the Multiple days toggle immediately updates to On.
  • We added validations to saving shifts to ensure consistency between the shift and engagement opportunity dates.
  • We improved the Shift Details page with the engagement opportunity date details.
  • The time part of the start date and end date of the shift now defaults to the time set by the user in Personalization settings > Activities > Default work hours.
Closed/canceled engagement opportunity and new volunteers Previously, it was possible to add new volunteers to closed or canceled engagement opportunities. Now it's not possible to add more volunteers if the engagement opportunity is closed or canceled.

See also

What is Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit?