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UAG and SQL Injection

Hello folks!

Long time ago I wrote this post about how IAG 2007 Can Mitigate Against SQL Injection Attacks, this post was also presented during TechED Brazil 2008, where I showed live this demo. Today I’m here to challenge you, here it is the deal:

The first one that write this article, post it on the TechNet Wiki and send me a message via Twitter saying: @yuridiogenes, here it goes the UAG and SQL Injection article [link_to_the_article_at_TNWIKI] #TNWIKI , will receive by mail a signed copy of the UAG Deployment Guide book.

Make sure to:

  • Test your findings before you post. You must use UAG 2010 and update all screenshots for UAG 2010.
  • You can copy the text from the original post that I wrote, not a problem, just keep the reference and keep a good format on the page.
  • Write the article at TechNet Wiki, if you write on your own blog you won’t be eligible to get the book.

Are you in?

Remember, I will give the book to the first person that tweet me the phrase that I previously mention. There is no timeline for that, first one will get it…so run and do it!