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What a year 2011!

Wow, is it finally coming to an end! This was a remarkable year. It started with a big bang, Tunisia’s Bin Ali fled to Saudi and Egypt’s Mubarak stepped down, Libya’s Gadhafi dead, Yemen’s Saleh stepped down and Syria’s unrest... an Arab Spring … a bumpy ride but it’s not easy to change, we need to pay the price of change. Finally, I hope it all turns out to the best, no matter what.

At work, my ride wasn’t smooth either... There was a lot of change in 2011 too. My passion will always be in Arabic, bidi and RTL, after all I’ve been working in this field for so long... but I have other responsibilities, working on SEO (search engine optimization), BI Business Intelligence and more content related tasks, after all my team moved to the developer guidance team, overlooking the MSDN and TechNet.

This has kept me super busy and kept me away from my blog, but I need to set my priorities straight, I want to continue blogging and posting interesting blogs to Arabic developers and making sure that Developing Arabic Applications are easy.

Note: This is a personal reflection and doesn’t represent the opinion of my employer … just to make things clear.