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【Tech・Ed ★ミ】 余談、余談。どんな会場なの?Tech・Edって?




いわゆる Room A。


それでもって Room B。


そして、Room C・Room D は会議センターの各施設を使い、折り畳みの椅子を使います。それでも各500に近いサイズでして、どの部屋の講師になっても気が抜けないことになってます。Room Eはシアター形式の映画館風の部屋です。田辺・高添・奥主がデビューしたのはこの部屋でした。椅子がいいので評判が良かったりします。


= English =
[Tech Ed] Something important! Where is Tech Ed gonna be held?

It's written in Tech Ed event site but to remind, It will be held at Pacifico Yokohama.

And the place is here. Also the seminar rooms are like the following...

The room that is called "Room A"

It's pretty big, 3260 seats for the first floor only. Actually we will limit the seats that are not good viewing ones so it's not that much but still, I'm getting a little nervous as every year. To say the truth, you can't see each audience's face since it's really huge. (@_@。

And "Room B"

We're using the main hall. From the speaker's standpoint, this room is the most nervous room since you can see audience faces very well and you see the audience above his/her view point. I don't have an experience speaking here.

"Room C" and "Room D" would be rooms in the Conference Center and uses movable chairs so the capacity differs every year. Still these rooms will have 500 people capacity so every speaker prepares pretty well for these rooms too. "Room E" is a theater like room having nice seats. Tanabe-san, Takazoe-san and I debuted in this room. The seat is very comfortable so everyone is pretty much satisfied with the room every time.

Events that happen other than the breakout ones are done on the lobby floor of the hall that has "Room A" or other floors of the convention center so it's really fun to attend various events happening everywhere in the facility while the four days.