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【Tech・Ed ★ミ】 Tech・Ed 新聞はダウンロード可能

Tech・Ed 2007 Yokohamaにご参加いただいた方も参加いただけなかった方にも是非 お伝えしておきたいので書かせていただきます。会場で配っていたTech・Ed新聞がダウンロード可能になりました。

編集長 兼 広告営業 兼 編集者 兼 記者 兼 カメラマン 兼 雑用 の大野がブログに書いている通りです。

Tech・Edで何が行われたのか、どんなセッション傾向だったのか、確認するのに最適です。最後に大野がしゃべったOpen Stageも大きな拍手で終わりまして、大好評企画となりました。来年はどうするのかな  ( ^^) _旦~~

= English =

[TechEd] Tech・Ed Shinbun (Newspaper) is download available!

I'd like to write something for people who were able to attend Tech・Ed 2007 Yokohama and also who couldn't attend. The newspaper that was delivered to every attendee at the conference is now download available.

Ohno-san who was doing everything for this newspaper - the editor, journalist, camera-man etc. - has written in his blog about this.

What happened at Tech・Ed, what kind of sessions were held, whatever, this newspaper is probably the best resource for you. The Open Stage session done by Ohno-san was also a great session, concluded with a huge applause which made this a very successful project. I wonder if we're doing this next year also or not :-)

The actual link


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    最終日の新聞のおーきな誤植もそのままかな? 確認しよーっと!