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【Tech・Ed ★ミ】 今年は新聞だけでなく、歩き方も

Tech・Ed のオフィシャルページに掲載されましたが、初めてTech・Edに来られる方は特に広い会場をどのように回って何を聞こうかとか何をしようかとかものすごく悩みます。なので今年はかなり早い時期にコンテンツメンバーの発案でこれを今年やろうと言ってどたばたしつつなんとか当日よりも前に出せました。正直、非常に多くのアクティビティがあるので全部網羅したものにしたかった気持ちはあったのですが、今年はバージョン1.0ということでテクニカルセッションの歩き方にさせていただきました。

かなり独断と偏見で作っていますので是非フィードバックはアンケートへ (*^_^*)

外は本当に今年暑くて大変ですが、社内は冷房をきかしているのにマシンだらけで微妙にエバンジェリスト シマの辺りは本当に暑いです。さっきうちのチームの持ち込み台数を数えたら確認できただけで26台もありました。何をするんだろう。。。きっとみんなきちんとブログでレポートすることでしょう。。。


お越しいただける方は満喫してください。エバンジェリストはみんな青/長袖(のはず)のスピーカーシャツを着ているので目印は 長そで青 でございます。見かけたら是非 声をかけてください、どんなにテンパってようが、余裕なくて怖い顔してようが。とっても元気が出ますからこちらも。(^◇^)

では来週は現地レポートを書ける余裕はないような気もしつつ頑張ります。セッションもね (^O^)/
Tech・Ed 関連のブログは下記のリンクやRSSで見ていただければみんな会場にいる人ばかりなので楽しめると思います。


Hiroshi Okunushi

= English =

[TechEd] This year not just "TechEd Shinbun"(Name of a newspaper made specifically for TechEd Yokohama) but also "How to walk around TechEd"

It's already on the Tech・Ed official page - If it's your first time attending TechEd, it's pretty hard to figure out which activity you want to attend since there's so many and pretty much everything is attractive. So this year we are doing a trial of giving "How to walk around TechEd" to every attendee. It's a small booklet which includes which sessions should fit you if you are an ITPRO, Developer or if you just want to attend famous speakers or maybe you want to attend super high-level sessions only and so forth. The staff members really wanted to cover every activity but since it's version 1.0, we limited the walking to only breakout sessions this year.

Maybe it's full of my prejudice so if you have anything to say about it, please put it in the survey :-)

Outside it's really hot this wee. Even in an air conditioned room, the area around me, there are so many machines and it's pretty hot here - yes it's Tech Ed next week and I sit in the evangelist island where everybody is building their demos. I counted 26 at least in my row, wow what are these guys doing ? Let's see and they will probably write something in their blogs so please check out.

People who can't join us in Yokohama should check the "TechEd Shinbun" (Ohno-san is doing the writing)  which would be downloadable several weeks after TechEd. There you can find what the key messages were and what happened in the event.

People who can come, enjoy! Evangelists will be wearing long sleeve blue speaker shirts so we're easy to find. Please come up and let's talk! Even if the speaker seems desperate (worrying about his demos) or nervous, we'll be happy and energized by talking to you.

So, I'll try to report from the event, maybe full handed but will do my best. My breakout session too...
Check out the TechEd related blog entries from the following link or RSS feed in the page. Everyone would be speaking at the event so you can get what is happenning in Yokohama.


Hiroshi Okunushi