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【IT Pro道場】高崎で参加いただいた皆様、ありがとうございました!


高崎でのIT Pro道場にご参加いただきました皆様、ありがとうございました!


Visual Studioの日本語版の開発も完了した模様ですね。

Windows Server 2008 の方もRC1が登場していますし、環境を最新にアップグレードする必要がありますが、ちょっと時間が厳しいですね。なので、来年開催の会場では順次 製品版や最新RCでお届けすることができそうですね。


= 特設:色々と食べて回るコーナー =


有名なのはお弁当だったりして食べに行くにしても...という声が結構あったのですが、とんでもない!上州御用 鳥めし、昔ながらのかつ丼などかなり楽しめました。おススメ。でも何故か着いて最初の食事は激辛麻婆豆腐だったんですが、、、なんせ松崎が好きなもんで。私は酸辣湯好きだったりします。

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= English =

[IT Pro Dojo] Thank you for attending , Takasaki!

Sorry again for late posting! To be honest, this weekend we're moving to another office so there's boxes everywhere.

Thank you for coming to our session.

The agenda for this Dojo is full packed so there were many comments about that. This time we took a little more time speaking in the first half of the session so there were also comments that some people wanted the latter half more.  Well we understand and will take a good look at the time table again. But one thing to note, there are a wide range of people who have various areas of interest especially with this Dojo. So what we're aiming is balance for each area.

It seems that the Japanese edition of Visual Studio 2008 has RTM(Released To Manufacturing)ed...

Windows Server 2008 is RC1 now with the Hyper-V technology also so we need to upgrade the environment to newer versions but we need a little more time for checking everything. I think the seminars in January, we'll be able to deliver with product versions and the newest RC versions.

We'll be waiting for your future attendance too. Thank you so much!