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【☆ミ】 3連休を利用してWindowsの歴史を辿る


他にやることがいっぱいあっても何をやっているかというと、あるバージョンから順番にWindowsをインストールすることです。さすがに対応しているマシンがもう手元に無いので便利な仮想環境でやるようにしていますが。まあGUIの変遷もさることながら、リブートしなければいけない回数、単機能による軽さなど 日頃新しいことばかりしゃべっている自分に「現実」という鞭を入れる意味も持っています。それとそのバージョンを利用していた当時を思い出し、ハードウェアの進歩を振り返ってびっくりしている旅でもあります。マイクロソフトに入社する前はVB6で色々作ってみたり、Word97でドキュメントを書いていたような気がしますが、Windows NT 4.0 Workstation、Pentium 133MHz、64MBに自腹で16MBのメモリを挿して80MBでうんうんとか喜んでいた自分を思い出すのです。一方で作り上げている成果物を当時と今で振り返るとやはり相当違いますし、出来上がりの想定時間も違います。明らかに生産性は高くなっているんですよね。まあこんなことを考えながら、さすがに今回はWindows3.1はやりませんでしたが、WindowsNT4.0からWindows Server 2008 までやりました。すごい旅でした。OSとともにIEが一緒に進化していくのもすごいなぁと思いながら見ていました。


= English =

[Other] Using the 3 day vacation to look back into Windows history

I sometimes talk that I used to work as a customer representative in the product support division. This weekend I had a mail from a customer I was working with before saying that he saw my picture on the magazine delivering in Japan, "IT kosaten." It was a long time I had contact with this customer so it gave me a chance to remember how we were working in those days and reminded me how difficult it was to maintain the various combination of environments needed for the customer to support the field problems that was happening at that time. When I moved from the field to current marketing job, I made myself a promise to do one thing when I can take the time. That is looking back to see how Windows evolved.

Even if I have so many other things to do, I take time to do this - Installing Previous versions of Windows one by one - to look back where we were. Nowadays you can't find a machine that is supporting every version so I'm using the virtual environment these days. Well the evolution of the GUI, how many times you have to reboot to configure, less features needing less resource - many things reminds me where we came from. I usually speak about the most recent technology so this trip to the past gives myself the brakes to not forget what the customers are facing these days actually in the field. I see many people just talk about the newest and disregards the fact that the real world is more complicated. Also I remember how the hardware was at the time and surprise how the evolution happened. In my previous job in another company, I was writing VB6 code, writing documents on Word 97. The machine was Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, Pentium 133MHz, 64MB RAM+personal 16MB added and I was comfortable with that configuration. On the otherhand, what I create  - documents, programs - have drastically changed and the time needed to accomplish that has changed, which makes my expected time to do it has changed. Yes, we are using a more evolved hardware and software but the requirements are also rising to a very high level. This time, I didn't do Windows 3.1 but started from NT thru 2008. What a trip! It was also fun looking at how IE has changed in the history.

This virtual trip is really good for me as a person who is speaking the newest technology as a job. It reminds me of the real world and stop myself from forgetting what I had a hard time with, what I found very interesting and had fun about. It also makes me confident that what we have right now is the result of improvement in technology and makes me find something new in it to talk about in a different view point. Well probably doing the same will only make Microsoft employees think many things but I think there are other things that will fit in every engineers category. The work in the IT industry is to advise people how to do jobs easier and better so there is always something like this. I wish you can find something like this in your area. Maybe you can understand why your customer is saying xxx and yyy so many times. :-)


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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