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Steve Rowe's Blog

Ruminations on Computing - Data Science, Programming, Test Development, Management and More

Real Numbers In the Next-Gen DVD Battle

Finally some real numbers showing how the two sides compare. In the first quarter, BluRay sold...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/28/2007

Teaching Your Team To Program

The world of testing is becoming a lot more technical than it once was. While there is still a need...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/27/2007

Agile Testing Netcast

I tried a new netcast today. It's the initial netcast from Jason at Parlezuml. I believe the weekly...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/26/2007

Teaching Yourself To Program

Following up on my last post, I'll give some instruction for those testers who want to become...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/26/2007

Fred Fish Dies

Those of you who owned an Amiga were probably aware of the Fred Fish disk collection. For those that...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/24/2007

It's Difficult to Grow a Test Developer

A lot of testers begin life as software test engineers. That is, they execute tests but don't do any...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/20/2007

How Much Better Is High Definition Video?

Moving to HD is expensive. You have to buy a new TV, new DVD player, and possibly a new receiver. If...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/19/2007

Do You Have Golden Ears?

Here is an interesting demo I heard about on This Week in Media. It contains 2 audio clips in both...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/18/2007

Windows Media for Firefox Users

Microsoft just released a Windows Media Player plugin for Firefox. This will allow people who use...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/17/2007

The Purpose of Coding Standards

I'm involved with a group at work crafting the coding standard for test developers across much of...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/16/2007

Why Windows Can't See 4GB of Memory

Interesting post by Hilton Locke about why installing 4 GB of RAM on a 32-bit box doesn't actually...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/14/2007

My New Addiction: Puzzle Quest

I don't do a lot of gaming. Once upon a time I did, but now that I'm married and have kids, my...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/14/2007

Getting Real In Software Development

At the recommendation of one of our designers, I just finished reading the book Getting Real by the...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/13/2007

April Netcast Update

About time for another update of my netcast list. It's changed a little and some have moved...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/12/2007

Top 10 Most Influential Amiga Games

I have a soft spot in my heart for the Commodore Amiga. It came out 22 years ago in 1985 and was way...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/12/2007

Death of the Floppy Drive

The floppy disk has been dead for a while now. It's just too small and too slow. I haven't really...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/09/2007

Breaking Down the Test/Dev Barrier

Similar to the solution I consider in my post on single-function roles, the Braidy Tester has a...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/07/2007

Can Code Be Truly Self-Documenting?

I know I'm stepping into the middle of a holy war here but I've been in some conversations on this...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/07/2007

Redfin: Real Estate Revolution?

Ever since I sold my first house, I've thought that the real estate business was in need of a...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/06/2007

Yet Another Way To Connect Your PC and Your Screen

First it was VGA, then DVI, then HDMI, now we add DisplayPort. Engadget is reporting that...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/06/2007

A Crack In the DRM Wall?

...More like a gaping hole. To date there has been a unified face put on major digital media assets....

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/02/2007

Ten Things You Should Know As A Developer

Andres Taylor gives us his top ten things he's learned about software development. The list is...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/25/2007


I just finished reading Showstopper! by G. Pascal Zachary. It recounts the creation of Windows NT...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/25/2007

Some Good Advice for Managers

Some good advice for managers courtesy of the guys at Business Intelligence Lowdown. They give 73...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/22/2007

Beware of Single Focus Roles

I recently attended a talk advocating combining the management of test development and development....

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/21/2007

Selling Discrete Audio Cards Isn't Easy

EliteBastards has an interesting article speculating about the future of Creative Labs. Creative was...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/21/2007

Interview With Dave Caulton of Zune

Windows Weekly has an interesting interview with Dave Caulton of the Zune team in this week's...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/16/2007

Programming Language Hierarchy

My last post made me recall this programming language hierarchy I ran across some time ago. Read it...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/14/2007

You Can't Teach Height, But Can You Teach Programming?

There's an old basketball saying--attributed to Frank Layden of the Utah Jazz-- that "You can't...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/14/2007

Microsoft Announces HD-Photo

Once known as Windows Media Photo, Microsoft just released a new photo format called HD-Photo. Bill...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/11/2007

TechFest 2007

Microsoft has a large number of pure researchers working for it. They are collectively known as...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/07/2007

Geeks Wanted

I thought this was too cool not to post. For those that don't have the ASCII table memorized, the...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/03/2007

Teaching My Son To Program

A few months back I read the article, "Why Johnny can't code" by David Brin. He talks about the...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/01/2007

Programming, Bridges, and ... the Halting Problem?

Jt Gleason contends that building software is not like building bridges because of the halting...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/28/2007

In Defense of Logic Questions

Microsoft has a history of asking logic questions in its interviews. Because of this, there are many...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/23/2007

Crossing the Uncanny Valley

The "uncanny valley" is the name for a phenomenon in computer graphics where the closer something...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/22/2007

Hiring Great Testers - Interviewing

A friend IM'd me yesterday saying he was being considered for a test manager position somewhere. In...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/22/2007

I'm Going To Disneyland!

We're taking the munchkins and heading to southern Kalifornia. Don't expect to see any new posts...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/15/2007

Copy As Path

Here's a cool little Vista trick I just learned: Browse to a file. Hold down shift and right-click...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/14/2007

Display Adapters Demystified

The world of display adapter types is an alphabet soup of options today. HDMI, DVI, VGA, UDI,...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/13/2007

February Netcast Update

It's been a while since I posted my list of netcasts. I've had less time of late to listen to...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/09/2007

The Sorry State of HD Television

I attended a Superbowl viewing party at a friend's house today. No, the screen wasn't larger than...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/05/2007

Why Writing Software Is Hard

Scott Rosenberg just published a new book called Dreaming in Code about a project to create a new...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/03/2007

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