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Exchange 2010 Planning & Design - Estimer la consommation en IOPS (transferts disque par seconde) pour des utilisateurs BlackBerry (Anglais)


Pour référence, un extrait de la documentation BlackBerry contenant la formule permettant le calcul des l’impact en nombre de transferts disque par seconde (IOPS) pour une infrastructure comportant des utilisateurs BlackBerry :


The performance benchmarking tests revealed that the IOPS (disk throughput) requirement of a BlackBerry® device user is similar to the IOPS requirement of a Microsoft® Outlook® 2007 online-mode user. You can use the following formula to estimate the impact that BlackBerry device users might have on the Microsoft® Exchange 2010 messaging server:

(number of non-device users x base IOPS/user)

+ (number of BlackBerry device users x BlackBerry IOPS/user)

+ [number of BlackBerry device users and Microsoft Outlook users x (base IOPS/user + device IOPS/user)]

For example, Microsoft estimates a peak value of 0.12 IOPS per user with an average workload of 100 email messages per day. If you have 800 BlackBerry device users, 800 Microsoft Outlook users, and 400 BlackBerry device users and Microsoft Outlook users (a total of 2000 users), you can use the following calculation:

(800 x 0.12) + (800 x 0.12) + [400 x (0.12 + 0.12)] = 288 IOPS (overall average of 0.14 IOPS per user)

Référence :

Documentation BlackBerry :